AUGUST 10, 1972 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 9 Athletic Field = cont'd from page 8 ...... Volunteer student labour and the generous donation from Kimberly-Clark Pulp and Paper Co. Lid. , of fill and cinders was included in this estimate. A grant from the Provincial Government has been applied for and although no word has been received yet it is hoped that this grant will offset a consider- able per centage of the cost. The inside track should be ready for seeding again, sometime next week according to Recreation Co-Or- dinator, Gerry Dupas and a completion date of some- time in September is expected. Volunteers will again be required for this work which will be mainly done in the evenings. Why not give the Recreation Office a call and volunteer your time and get in some good exercise while your helping to develop our community. The field is presently being used by John Brooks who is directing Track and Field in our area under Recreation summer programmes. When completed the athletic field will be designed as a regulation size fastball field, complete for track and field events and the opportunity will now be available to develop new sports such as field hock- ey, football and soccer. ] This committee has put alot of effort into upgrading our community facilities so if you can't volunteer your time at least have the courtesy to not use the field as a 'short cut'. BEGINNERS POOL FOR TERRACE BAY A new wading pool is presently being constructed at the north-west section of the present swimming pool . Due to the old wading pool not qualifying with the Department of Health regulations, no filtration or chlorination system, the supervision required and the time involved in filling and draining the pool, the Recreation Committee has alotted $3,500. of their budget for a new pool. This facility has been specially designed for all those under 45" children who are not allowed to use the larger swimming pool . The new beginners pool will be 20' x 30, 18" at the shallow end and 30" at the deep end. With these dimensions the pool will provide a beautiful facility for mom, dad and the little tots. The pool will be under the same efficient super= vision of the present facilities and when completed will allow expanded swimming instruction. The O.K. has been received from the Department of Health on the filtration and chlorination systems being used. The plumbing will begin by mid-week and the walls and floor should be started on Saturday. if weather permits. Our Recreation Co-Ordinator would like to see the old pool filled to be used as a sand box consider- ing the other facilities such as swings and playground equipment are already in this area. This matter is still to be discussed. The Recreation Department should be congratulated on the keen interest they have been taking to involve all age groups in this year's summer programmes. NOTICE ILANE'S VARIETY STORE - Scotia Street, Schreiber IS NOW AGENT FOR SUPREME CLEANERS Drycleaning and Laundry. We now specialize in Suedes, Leathers and Draperies. STORE HOURS - 9:00 A.M. - 11:00 P.M. NOW ON SPECIAL 8 TRACK TAPES ON SALE FOR $5.98 BaD Heating & Service Now commencing business in Schreiber,Ontario 119 Galena St. Ph.824-2259 ® GENERAL HOUSE REPAIRS ® COMPLETE SERVICE & INSTALLATION | @® AVAILABLE 24 HOURS A DAY Owner & Manager W.H. Moore