PAGE 18 TERRACE BAY NEWS JUNE 7, 1972 Schreiber Lodge - the first, in 1909 when the Lodge was instituted, followed by one in 1913 with a degree team, another in 1935 in his office as district deputy president and this present pleasant occasion. Howard Pettit, of Lodge #244, Thunder Bay, con- gratulated the 25 year men and went on to make a strong plea for support of one of his Lodge's projects - the Eye Bank of Canada. He commended the Schreib- er 1.0.0.F. and Rebekah Lodge for their long-time custom of supplying a banquet attended by civic offi- cials and the clergy of both Schreiber and Terrace Bay t> the young people from both Canada and the United States, travelling in the annual Youth Pilgrimmage to the United Nations, sponsored by the | .O.O.F. and Rebekahs, and the only such group permitted to make such a visit. W.R. Black, still affiliated with the local Lodge, although residing in Thunder Bay, spoke of his en- joyment in renewing old friendships. Reg Bailey, speaking for the honoured members, said he felt his presentation was a unique honour, in that George Birch who pinned on the jewel was the one who had sponsored his entry into the Lodge. Mrs. Mavis Slater, in-coming president of the Rebekah Assembly of Ontario, congratulated the 25 year men, saying it was, as she knew, a privilege and an honour to belong to such a great organization. And she wished them many more years in which to enjoy the benefits of the Three Links - Friendship, Love and Truth, and, to practice it. The life of the organization can be compared to a flame, it must be tended well to keep burning brightly. During the evening Mrs. Agnes Bryson, by special request, played several old ballads for dancing. The evening ended with a buffet lunch. Among those attending from out of town were Hugh Fulton and Wilson Stinson, Algoma Lodge #267, Howard Pettit, Lodge #244 and W.R. Black, all of Thunder Bay, Bill Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Ab Farrow Terrace Bay. Members Honoured - cont'd from page 17 HOME & SCHOOL SPONSOR SUCCESSFUL FASHION SHOW The Fashion Show, sponsored by the Schreiber El- ementary Home and School Association, was an un- qualified success, with much of this due to the parti- cipation of the staff. Interest was increased because all the apparel shown was from the local Hudson's Bay store - immediately available. Mrs. Shirley Brown welcomed the large audience and thanked the many who had assisted in preparing the event - Mrs. L. Walker of Hudsons Bay; Mde Bryson for make-up and hair doos; the dressers at the show, Tony Commisso for musical accompanyment, Robin Smith for group of songs, and providing the P.A. System, and many others. Mrs. Norma Courtney was the commentator, wear- ing a comfortable fortrel pantsuit. The clothes dis- played, she said, were all of the 'wonder-wear' of : today, wash and wear, perma press, mostly casual , i for summer living = from the beach, to easy enter- } taining at home, ranging from tots wear to adults and with even smart togs for rainy days shown. All styles were gay, bright, and with amusing details on the younger sets wear. - 3 Instead of a run way, this time, the models parad- ed through the audience, affording a close inspec- tion, of the clothes displayed by Bob Cressman and his son Robbie, Joyce Reid and daughter Allison, Glen Korman and sister Heather, Betty Ann Klassem with daughter Cara Lee and son Kenton, Sandra f Richardson, John Whitton, Patty Nesbitt, Dorothy Roffey, Hans Prinselaar, Clyde Gordon, Patti Ann Collinson, Sylvia James, Danny Krause, Donald Courtney, Anna Bain, Stanley Roen, Tom Quinton, Timmy Richardson, Donna Robertson, Sandra Quin- ton, Bob Grant, Janice Brown, Dave Robertson, John Tilbury, Tracey Wilde, Cathy Graham, Gwen- da Richardson and John Graham. The small fry in the audience were delirious with delight when Tom Quinton, vice princial of the school, appeared a second time loudly demanding, as a brother of Phil Esposita (it seemed) and wanting to model his version of an N.H.L. hockey uniform- a tattered, bedraggled, ragged one. Mrs. J.D. Bryson, a former member of the school board, drew the winning door prize for Rosemary Speziale. Photo below - Joyce Reid and daughter Alison. Photo by |. McCuaig.