[ FR, MR, KE? ' NCLEOT BOX 411 IERD LTE DAV ¥ MELT ANT Se a «ed Cb TERRACE BAY NEWS VOL. 15 APRIL 13, 1972 15 ¢ PER COPY LADIES AUXI LI ARY The Ladies Auxil iary of the Community Church met on Monday evening, with the worship service taking place in the Sanctuary. The theme was the Resurrec- tion, as portrayed in one of the stained gl ass wind- ows in the Church. Mrs . Elsie Berndtsson gave a short reading and an appropriate poem on the Resurrec- tion, fol lowed by a recording of the Hallelujah Chorus g by the Community Church choir of 20 years ago. Mrs. Gertrude Soughton opened the business part of the meeting in the Church hall, with a prayer and a few words of welcome to all the ladies. She thanked Mrs. Berndtsson for her part in the Worship service. "Mrs. Soughton, on behalf of the Auxiliary, bade farewell to vrs. Joanne Peuhkurinen, who is leaving Terrace Bay to make her home in Thunder Bay. Minutes were read by secretary Mrs. Joanne Pearen and the treasurer's report given by Judy Mercer. Correspondence included a thank you note for a card sent to an ill member, and a letter from Mr. John Scott, of the Department of Northern Affairs, thanking the ladies for their interest in his work as he was a guest speaker at the last meeting, and clarifying his hours when he is available in the Municipal office in Terrace Bay. Mrs. Soughton thanked Mrs. Isobel Marsh and Mrs. yttle mcBride for the excellent job done on the Shamrock Tea and Bake Sale, and to all those who helped in any way. Mrs. Soughton advised the auxiliary that the choir rawns had been ordered. Bd, Mrs. Soughton and Mrs. Lil Harris were responsible for the lunch served after the Good Friday service. The church had been beautifully. decorated by mem- bers of the Girl Guides, and the Altar Committee . " | Anyone interested in knitting or making aprons for the Christmas bazaar, is urged to contact Mrs. Hieb- ert for wool, and Mrs. Harris for apron material. A donation was made to the Canadian Cancer Soc- iety. The Altar Committee, Mrs. Cora Ropchan and Mrs. Marg Gander, were empowered fo purchase fresh floweres for any special occasion in the Church. At the May meeting, Mrs. F. Ginn will display the craft of cake decorating. Following the business part, Mrs. Thursa Thompson introduced Reverend P. McKague, guest speaker, who held a most interesting discussion on "After the Res- urrection, What?" . Everyone took part. Lunch was served by Mrs. May Dorland and Mrs. Mildred Welsh. The Afternoon Group of the Ladies Auxiliary will meet on Monday afternoon, April 17, at 1 i p.m. Please bring used nylons. LEGION BOWLING There are only three weeks of league bowling re- maining before the roll-offs and the Bombardiers have a nice lead. Standings to April 7. Bombardiers 97 1/2 Cameron Highlanders 90. Corvettes 87 1 Irish Regiment 67 Many excellent games have been bowl A. Daley 254, 213, 303, 219, 223, 203 233; Pat Jones 218, 208; S. Gusul 242 Leclair 233; G. Churney 211, 279, 22 212, 229, 204, 218; J. St. Louis 219, 3KEd I n 253; J. Fiber 262, 203, 218; B. St. Lo} Continued on page 2)