TERRACE BAY NEWS - OCTOBER 15, 1970 PSYGHOLOG LEGTURE FRIDAY; OCTOBER 16th 7:00p.m. to 10:00p.m. 4 & Terrace Bay High School %, & & ymnasium %2 DON ce AS) NI Come one, come all to hear Mr. I. Kozyra of Lakehead University present one of his regular University lectures in Introductory Psychology . : This popular subject is relevant to our current behaviour problem. Have you considered taking or auditing a University course for personal enlightenment and to help understand current world problems? Have you considered earning a degree? It can be done by extension courses, making use of Lakehead University Special Adult Admission Requirements . What are our children learning in University? Come out Friday evening for a first hand exposure . Lakehead University Local Representative, Thunder Bay, Ontario. Mrs. Shirley Angus 825-3868 " EL =e,