PAGE 12 TERRACE BAY NEWS Canadian Radio-Television Commission The Canadian Radio-Television Commission will hold a Publie Hearing in the Winnipeg Inn, Winnipeg, Manitoba, commencing on Tuesday, November 10, 1970, at 9:30 a.m., to consider am among other matters, the following application: LICENCE RENEWAL OF THE FOLLOWING BROADCASTING UNDERTAKINGS: BROADCASTING UNDERTAKING LICENCES EXPIRING MARCH 2I, 197I CATV LICENSEE LOCATION Lakeshore Community Television Ltd. Terrace Bay, Ontario. From the date of this Notice, no new information may be fil- ed by the applicant regarding his application. For the proper conduct of the hearing it is imperative that the requirements of the Board of Broadsast Governors! Pro- cedure Regulations be strictly followed. Any comment or opposition in respect of the above mentioned matter should be filed with the Secretary on or before October 29, 1970 in twenty (20) copies. Copies of the Regulations may be obtained from the Queen's Printer, Ottawa, Ontario. Persons wishing to inspect briefs submitted with respest to the above matter may do so during regular office hours at the offices of the Commission, 100 Metcalfe Street, Ottawa Ontario. Further copies of this Notice may be obtained by writing to the undersigned. RTC-70-31 F.K. Foster, Sectetary A GARDEN DIRT With falling leaves comes tulip planting time. Tulips prefer sandy to medium loamy soil but will thrive in almost any soil for shorter periods pro=- viding there is good under drainage. The bulbs should be set from 6 to 10" deep, it should be remembered that they will require good earth for a few inches below that again. Deeper planting prevents, to some degree, the tendancy of the bulbs to split into numerous small bulbs which will have either no bloom or poor blooms. Another advantage of deeper planting is that other flowers can be planted over them. By the time that the tulip blooms are fading the other plants will be getting big enough to hide the withering foliage. Tupil foliage should not be removed until it is completely ripened, otherwise the bulb will be starved. The bulb needs the leaves to provide the nourishment which will make possible the pro- duction of large healthy blooms next year. If annuals are grown over the tulip bed it is best to cut them off at ground level during fall clean- up - pulling them up will remove some of the tulip cover. If the dead plant is left until ping th the um y OCTOBER 15, 1970 tulips will grow up through the tangled mess making it difficult to remove without damaging the new growth. Fishing Awards Night - cont'd from page 9 Archie Heinrich, Speckled Trout = 3 lbs. Wilf Mallais, Pike 15 lbs. Kujbida = 4 Ibs. 2 ozs. : Photo below = Max Mekilok presented awards to . Photo by M. Lundberg. 12 ozs. 10 ozs .; Pickerel, W Winston Mason Mrs. E. Belliveau and son Peter of Meductic, N.B. spent a few days visiting her daughter and son-in-law Sharon and Bruce Lundberg. NEW CANADIAN BLITZ DIET| LOSE 5 POUNDS OVERNIGHT! Learn the secret of incredible, No-Effort, No-Drug, ONE-DAY reducing formula! Have your wholesome, yummy "Blitz"! (4 mystery meals) = Go to bed! Wake up! - and you have lost 5 pounds. Unbeliev- able? Sure! But it works. Every time. OR YOUR MONEY BACK! SPECIAL OFFER (limited period only) $3.00. Yes I want to lose five pounds overnight. by mail CANADIAN BLITZ DIET. | Please rush 1 enclose $3.00 'ash, | money order, or cheque (Sorry mo C.0.D.'s) CANADIAN BLITZ DIET | © 203-I5104 STONY PLAIN ROAD | EDMONTON, ALBERTA, CANADA | | NAME ADDRESS pn CITY STATE continued next co