COMMUNITY CHURCH ST. MARTIN'S CHURCH Sunday, September 28th, 1952 Friday, September 26 - Feast of Canadian 9:30 = Senior Sunday School Martyrs, This is not a Holy-day of obli- 11:00 AM - Junior Sunday School. Children gation, Mass at 7:30 AM. who are 3 years old or who will Saturday, September 27 - be three before December 31st, Confessions 3 = 4 PM . 1952 are eligible to attend the 7 - 8 PM Junior Sunday School. Sunday, September 28 11:00 AM - Service of Worship lasses 8:15 AM "The Book of the Years" 10:00 AM 7:00 PM - Evening Worship - "Preparedness" Ushers - Art LeBlanc 0-0-0 Art Connors RUMMAGE SALE - OCTOBER 4th © ram The Ladies Auxiliary of the Community Knights of Columbus meeting to be held Church are holding their fall Rummage Sale in the Schreiber Council Chambers on Thurge Saturday, October 4th in the showroom of the day, September 25th, 8:15 Pl Terrace Bay Enterprises, 0-0-0 It will be appreciated if you can save NOTICE any discarded clothing or unused articles The Terrace Bay Fish and Game Club for this event. Collectors will make house will hold a social gathering of all members to house calls October 2nd and 3rd. in the Recreation Hall, October 8th, 1952. The Sale starts at 10:00 AM - so be Some interesting films will be shown, also there early to get the best buy. some important matters to discuss, Come 0-0-0 on, boys, let's get together. Clerk's notice of first posting of Voters! Ow 0 list FOR SALE Form J Section 12 One 30-30 Winchester Carbine in good Voters' Lists, 1952, Improvement District of ,ongition. Apply A. Valiquette, House 35, Terrace Bay 0-0-0 District of Thunder Bay HYDRO INTERRUPTION Power will be cut off in the Townsite Notice is hereby given that I have compiled from 1 PM to 4 PM Sunday next, September with Section 8 of the Voters! Lists Act and 28th, that I have posted up at my office in Terrace This will affect townsite area north Bay on the 25th of September, 1952, the list of Hudson's Bay, and North and South Camps, of all persons entitled to vote in the said (It looks like Don Boudreau intends Municipality at Municipal Elections, and to listen to the World Series this year, that such list remains there for inspection. as he has kindly arranged not to have the yearly cut-off on "World Series" Sunday) And TI hereby call upon all Voters to take 0-0-0 immediate proceedings to have any errors or HELP WANTED ~ MALE omissions corrected according to law, the North Camp Recreation Room Attendant last day for appeal being the 21st day of to look after the Billiards and Recreation October, 1952, facilities, Hours - 7 PM - 11 PM Monday i to Saturday; 1 PM - 5 PM and 7 PM - 11 PM Dated this 25th day of September, 1952. Sundays, Interested persons may obtain full W.F, Strutt, particulars by contacting in person Employ- Secretary-Treasurer, ment Supervisor in Administration Bldg. Corporation of Improvement 0-0-0 District of Terrace Bay. 10ST 0-0-0 1 pair of child's glasses around the NOTICE: (Catholic Church) with white plastic rims, Elderly reliable lady will baby sit. Finder please return to House 163, Phone 451 for particulars, 0-0-0 SAFETY SLOGAN Thursday Noon September 25th to Thursday Noon October 2nd ots work together tor safety Safety Slogan -- missed by Jim MacDonald Tast week, Tom Smitsnuk this week - now up to $25.00,