Volume 7, No. 15 LARGEST CIRCULATION IN TERR/CE BLY RR ARR, Lpril 10, 1952, HERE'S THE .PRIL LIMERICK Rey's wife does Spring cleaning alone, While hubby locks on with a groan; For, at his work, Ray Tried to lift the wrong wey (Fill in here) @ 6 0 0 00 4800 2 008 EBN TIEN AERL SEED SNS ser Just Sigh your NAMO esses svssissisnnnssensns ANG AOTOSS ve isis vs vais sin saines sinsiviin £nd drop in one of the Terrance Bay News boxes ot Hudson's Bay Store or the Mill entrance,' You may win $31.,00,:0.52:004..420T $5.00. 0-0-0 MIXED SPRING LE.LGUE TO ST.RT APRIL 22ND This yoar's spring league will be run off in five weeks which will make it a short and sweet but furious serics. The first eight teams entered will be the only onos accepted, so get your entry in now, The seven point system is to be used which should make this event more interesting. lateh for the bowling posters concerning rules and regulations, The big black board is 211 set to mark your team scores so all can sco the results, DON'T De Sisappoinyesd, get your team entry in nows Romember there is room for only eight teams. 411 ontrios with five dollars attached should be hondod in to Leon at the alleys or at the South Comp Snack Bar. Men's league to start April 29th. Alloys will be closed all dey Friday and Sunday. 0-0-0 NOTICE Please note change in dial phone number for Torrace Bay Fire Dopartment - Dial 222 or Call Mill Switehbornrd Local 22. CURLING CLUB BANQUET!!! . It's conming.......get ready for itl! Saturday night, April 19th is the date. That's just one weok from this Saturday. The timc and the place, with 2 program i outline, will be published in noxt week's Torraco Bay News. Suffice to say now the % this affair will be difforent from those of pnst yoars, end we truly believe it will be thc groat- est of all. As in the past, attondance will be limited to members of the curling clubs and thei 1adics, or escorts, as the case might be, Thore will be a nominal charge to cover costs, and for thc ontertaimment that will be given, cost is a minor consideration. We advise you singlc curlers to mnke your dates carly. The married folks had better be lining up baby sitters 'Within the weck, cach curler will be approached with tickets. It's your party ~~ the best of the year. 0-0-0 JMBULANCE POLICY AT THE MILL Lt a récont meeting of the Terracc Bay Accident Prevention Committee, the follow- ing policy was established, AS requested, the ambulance will be dispatched to one of threc locotbions: 1, Wood Room ~ south entrance. 2, Building 11 - west cntranco. 3. Main Mill entrance. Vhen the ambulance is required, phone the switchboard, give details carcfully, and the switchboard operator will take it . from there. In tho absence of specific information, the ambulance will proceed to the mrin mill entrance, 0=0~0 ON THE JOB-=-~- OFF THE JOB=-- PLAY IT 5.7m!