BTR rT LT un ET pore 5 Foe: ER ---- TT a ot LT Volume 7, No. 14 LARGEST CIRCULATION IN TERR.CE B.Y April 3, 1953, = hi EFNIVE NTON This eoming Saturdey, april 5th, teams from White River, Marathon and Schreiber will journey to Terrace Bay to play the fourth and last tournament of this season's North Shore Badminton League series. Play will start at 7:30 p.m. in our Recreation H-11. Each team has now played 45 of their 60 games with standings as follows: Schreiber - 34 Terrace Bay = 30 Marathon -~ 25 White River - 1 Looking ot last year's records the pos- itions of Terrace Bay ~nd Schreiber were reversed with the Terrace Bay tcam holding on to their slight lead over Schreiber to win the Chapples Trophy. This yecr's final tournament will probably boil down to the srme situation with Terrace Bay trying to upset their opponents from Schreiber. All in all, it should be an excellent tourney. As usual, there will be no admission chnrge and all spectators are welcome, 0~0~0 NOTE TO MOVIE GOERS Due to the above mentioned N,S.B.L, Tourncy being held in the Recrcztion H~1ll on Saturday night (A4pril 5th) there will be no evening show, 0=0-0 CLIP THIS FOR REFERENCE TERR..CE B.Y FIRE DEPT. CALL. or Did 22 | CURNEY Sat. Nite 'member to their group. SOFTB/LL NOTES Despite the dism~l wenther we have been h~ving lately the spirits of the loexl soft- ball enthusinsts hnve not becn dampened onc little bit. 4st the time of wribing, ib looks like ~n 8-te-m league for this coming summer. Let's not sit bnck nnd let the other guy do it all. If you h-ve nny idens or suggestions that will mcke for o better league, talk to some of the fellows you work with about thom. Let's keep thc pot boiling while it's hot. XKoep your eyes pecled on the notice boards for announce- ments weekly (Brady sez he's got a million of 'em) he's nlso receiving challenges galore! MOST IMPORT.NT OF .I1L -- BE SURE TC BE ON H.ND .T TFE RECRE.TION H1L AT 8:00 7. M. ON MOND.Y APRIL 7TH, TH.T'S THIS COMING MCND..Y! 0-0-0 COMMUNITY D..INCES The next Community Dance will be held on Friday, /'pril 25th. They're a long time apert, sez youl Well, here's 'the rezson for this delay, Next Friday is Good Friday. That lets next week out. The following weok the Mill will be shut-down. Th:t brings us to the 25th, nnd just right too. Evorybody'll be all rested up nd rarin' to go ~fter the Lenten socson, nnd what's more it will be right after pry-day. &lso, here's n big surprise for all of you good pcople, the prices of admission have been rcevisecd for that night ond LLL LADIES WILL BE AD- MITTED FREE, 411 gentlemen will pay $1.00 ench. In the meantime, the orchestre is rehearsing faithfully ~nd hove ndded another So plan your porty now for the 25th,