PAGE 14 Mr. and Mrs. J. Gemmell were honored at a fare- well party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Lengyel, and during the evening Mrs. Lengyel pre- sented them with a painting. 3 Those present were Mr. and Mrs. S. Law, Mrs. G. Drake, Mrs. G. Walsh, Mr. and Mrs. R. Dietrich, Don Brown, Dr. and Mrs. T. Wykes and Mr. and Mrs. J. Wiznik. Mr. Gemmell has been transferred to Toronto by the C.P.R. Mr. Miller of Chapleau has replaced Mr. Gemmell and he and his family have taken up residence here. Miss Winona Macadam of Chapleau is visiting her sister and family Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kinney. George Riley is home from the General Hospital Thunder Bay and Bob Riley has returned from Terrace Bay Hospital . SCHREIBER YOUTH ACTIVITIES On July 7th, a group of enthusiastic youths discus- sed a Recreational Program headed by Mr. Gary Speck (chosen by the Schreiber Recreation Committee as Supervisor). Committees were chosen to carry on responsibility of the following activities - social, sports, arts and crafts, finance and publicity. Bandaramas, beach parties, dance-a-thons, coffee houses and sock hops hope to be held during the summer months to keep youths occupied. All of these will be very well publicized. We are asking those who could not attend this meeting to put forth an effort and make this summer an enjoyable one. THE YOUTH OF SCHREIBER. Mr. & Mrs. Smith 50th Anniversary - cont'd from page From a lace covered table centered with a beauti- ful bouquet of yellow flowers, tea was poured from gold teapots by Mrs. Jessie Macadam, Mrs. O. Niemi Mrs. Louise Corbett, Mrs. Douglas Jones and Miss Janet Cotie sister of Mrs. Smith. 'Lunch was served to the guests by Miss Brenda Krystia, Miss Lynda, Mrs. Jim Smith and Mrs. Allan Johnson (daughters) and granddaughters Stephanie, Sharon, Vicki and Debbie. Holly Smith circulated the guest book. Assisting in the kitchen were Mesdames Beth Macadam, Bessie Scott, Marg Gerow and Bern Jacomb. During the evening a presentation of a gift of mon- ey arranged in a Nosegay from their many friends in TERRACE BAY NEWS JULY 16, 1970 Schreiber and Terrace Bay was presented by Mrs. J. Corbett. Mrs. Beth Macadam presented a gift on behalf of Ruby Rebekah Lodge. They received*many | _ more gifts, cards and good wishes on their 50 years | 'of marriage. Out of town guests for this occasion were sons Bob of Nanaimo, B.C.; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Smith, Vicki, Kenney and Leslie of Kitimat, B.C.; Their daughter Janice and family, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Johnson, Randy, Bruce and Scott; Miss Stephanie Smith (granddaughter), Thunder Bay; Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Jones, Miss Janet Cotie of Ottawa; Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lynch, Norman and Janet of Ottawa, a niece of the Smith's. On the evening prior to the festivities their daughter Margaret and husband Mr. and Mrs. Jim Smith held a barbeque for all the family at their cottage on White Sand Lake. Sate aes Dal or Beane age ae aye ee ake Kinsmen Day Parade - continued from page I2 eesece Photo below ~ Cathy Doig decorated bi Photo below - Marathon Band at the Kinsmen Parade.