Holsum Sof-twist bread in the bright red wrapper COMMUNITY FALL FAIR JUBILEE Now that the season for Spring Cleaning has arriv ed, there are often articles to be disposed of that someone could use. Things like Appliances, Books, Boats and Motors, Boots, Baby Carriages, Clothing, Dishes, Fishing Rods, Furniture, Oil Paintings, Wheel Barrows, Washing Machines and Wigs, old or new. The Fair Committee would appreciate and pick-up any contribution, large or small. Just Phone 824- 2881; 824-2417 or 824-2218. Thank You. is the secret Retail Sales Tax Changes - cont'd from page 2 .... It should be noted that the following are taxable services: -- Telephone services, including long distance calls. Telegraph services and Transient accommodation. -------------------------- + After preparing food in the kitchen, for exemple fish and ; onion = rub salt well into the hands and this will help remove | any distasteful odours..