eb ceremc and Mi Riley, of Schi Cathol partici organi: The Lellan de soi the En muttor veil w of yell Her of hon both w sleeve trim m for the tions. Jacl groom: Foll media: Hall, For McLel blue, Mrs .R and w The gt For chose make. Pric by her ata si Atte follow Riley The - "THE OWL'S HOOT" PL ae Ah ST THOUGHT OF THE WEEK <" Moderation in temper is a virtue, but mod- eration in principle is always a vice. NORMA WALKER GOES TO UNIVERSITY Norma Walker pre- sently enrolled in Grade 13 at Schreiber High School has been accepted by the University of Guelph on the Spring Ad- mission Plan. This is a unique program offered by the University of Guelph to well qualified Grade 13 students who wish to begin their University Careers in April instead of waiting until September. Since the University operates on three semesters a year, Norma will have the option of studying the usual two seme- sters a year, or accelerating her program and taking three semesters a year. Norma, having an 86% average received an ad- mission scholarship awarded by the University of Guelph Alma Mator Society. Norma will be en- rolling on May 4th in a General B.A. program. Congratulations are extended to Norma and we wish her every success in her studies at Guelph. DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME On April 26th at 2.00 a.m. the Communities of Rossport, Terrace Bay and Schreiber will go on Daylight Saving Time. As a result school bus sche- dules will remain the same. Schreiber High School will operate on the present schedule, with all times being D.S.T. CHOCOLATE BAR SALES The student body of Schreiber High School will be selling chocolate bars during this week to aid the Students Council in a fund raising project. They thank you for your support in the past and ask that you support this new venture. EDUCATIONAL BAZAAR Monday evening from 7.00 p.m. - 9.00 p.m. an Educational Bazaar will be held in the Schreiber TERRACE BAY NEWS == APRIL 23, 1970 High School Gymnatorium. Representatives of . various careers, universities and colleges will be giving slide presentations, pamphlets and general information on various careers to students and ™ parents. Everyone is welcome to attend. SCHEDULE OF EVENTS April 24th - Gymnastics Tournament in Mani- ' touwadge. April 24th, April 25th - Badminton Tournament in Hamilton. | April 27th - Educational Bazaar 7.00 p.m. - -- 9.00 p.m. in the Schreiber High School Gym. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE - cont'd from page 17 ..« Some of the rules then were both petty and frus~ trating, and although the profession as a whole né has better protection, the standard of qualificati 0 is being raised by the teachers themselves in an @ most universal attempt to secure a degree to bet themselves . } Mrs'. Charles Todesco reported writing 45 lette during the year and personally making up much 7 material into sewing. 4 Mrs. Teresa Stanton and Mrs. Annie Niemi welcomed as new members and Mrs. Dwight Mar and Mrs. Bill Campbell as guests. 4 At this juncture Mrs. J.D. Bryson took the che for the election of new officers as follows: Mrs. ~ Wesley Clemens, president; Mrs. Harvey McCan Ist vice president; Mrs. Joe Campbell, 2nd vice president; Mrs. Alvin Slater, 3rd vice president; Mrs. Bill Thrower, treasurer; Mrs. Charles Tod 5 secretary; Mrs. A.W. Slater, district director; M J.D. Bryson, pianist; Mrs. Ken Williamson, frie ship secretary; Mrs. Albert Yates, cupboard cust dian; Mrs. Russell Macadam, Cancer Cu; board © supplies; Mrs. Wesley Miller, baby scales; Mrs. Alvin Slater, Pennies for Friendship project conv Mrs. Ken Williamson and Mrs. Nelson Smith, au tors. Mesdames J. Campbell, W. Clemens, B. Jacomb, O. Niemi and Nelson Smith will plan 4 new program books for the year. Delegates to the district annual, being held in Dorion on May 20, will be decided later. Mrs. Todesco offered to drive her car. 7 Standing committee convenors will be appoint by the President. | Doll and wardrobe - Continued on Page 16