At VGl: 12 INO. 20 SWIM POOL NOW OPEN The sun may not always shine and pool attendants -- may have to put on Jackets to ward off chilly breezes but Terrace Bay youngsters still enjoy the pool Out staff photographer caught these hardy souls | on Saturday afternoon when water temperature must - have been higher than that recorded on the thermom- eter. MORE ON LANDS AND FORESTS HEADQUARTERS The site of the new headquarters was selected al- most fiteen years ago by Mr. J.M. Taylor, District Forester at that time and who is now Chief of the Department's Personnel Branch. Mr. Taylor was one of those at- tending the opening. The Chief Ranger Headquarter had been es- tablished at, Pays Plat many years ago. Although its location on Lake Superior - cont'd page 15 .. RACE BAY NEWS Serving the District The Right Way is The Safe Way July 3, 1969 RECORD NUMBER OF CUSO VOLUNTEERS Six young people from Northwestern Ontario, including three Lakehead University graduates, will join over 700 CUSO volunteers this summer to begin two-year assignments in the Caribbean, Asia Africa and Latin America. The volunteers include Gary Kinoshita, Doug Coreau, Jeanetty Gall, Sheila Hughes and Danny Lee and his wife Susan. They represent the larg- est number of CUSO volunteers ever sent from this area. Their assignments begin at various times during July, August and September. Initiated in 1961, Canadian University Service Overseas (CUSQ) is a national, non-denominational organization which recuits Canadian volunteers who hold degrees, diplomas or certified papers in a skill or trade. The volunteers are sent to develop- ing countries for two years only in response to specific requests for their service from governmen- tal and other agencies overseas. They are used in whatever capacity they can best contribute with their repective backgrounds and qualifications. Volunteers include doctors, lawyers, teachers, carpenters, auto-mechanics etc. Their pay is usually equivalent to their colleagues in the host country. Before heading overseas, each CUSO volun- teer undertakes intensive training in language culture and particularly their own specialized field of interest. Teaching positions in West Africa will be held by Doug Coreau, 22, and Jeanetty Gall 21, Doug is the son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Coreau, 22-110 Simp- son Street, Fort William, and continued page