PAGE 14 TERRACE BAY NEWS JULY 3, 1969 Commencement 69 - cont'd from page 13 ... Following the service the Home and School Association served refreshments . Later in the evening the Graduation Prom was held. The auditorium was decorated attractively with pink, white and blue streamers. Graduates and their guests enjoyed themselves, entertained by the music of "The Thorns". Rodney Mercure, Ted Petrus, Doug Stefurak and Judy Walker. Students receiving scholarships were - Norma Walker - Canadian Legion Br. 109; Roberta Milani C.W.L. ; Cora Spadoni - St. Edwards Council No. 3334, K. of C.; Colleen Mclsaac - L.A. Br. 109; Sharon MacDonald - Oddfellows and Rebekah Lodges; Ted Petrus - Schreiber High School Board; Cora Spadoni - Schreiber High School Home and School; and Sharon MacDonald - Schreiber Kinsmen Club. _ Academic Bars were awarded to each student with an overall average of 75%. There were 26 of these presented. Students in each grade with the highest mark in typewriting received an award from the Students' Council. Sharon Scott received the Student Council award for showing the greatest improvement in Grade 9 typewriting. The Senior French Trophy, donated by Mr. J.P. Tessier, was presented to Ryan LeBlanc Grade 13 student with highest French average. A highlight of the evening was the Valedictory Address by Cora Spadoni who spoke of the many friendships cultivated over the last few years which cannot be severed simply by leaving high school, but will remain for years to come. She optomistically looked to the future knowing that the valuable experiences of high school days would stand members of the graduating classes in good stead to face the world with confidence and success. The Valedictorian was followed by two very en- joyable vocal selections sung by Sharon Smith and then the speaker of the evening, Mr. Morgan, Director of Education for the Lake Superior Board of Education. Mr. Morgan pointed out that each person has a valuable part to play in today's society. He said that constructive criticism of present day society was| helpful but withdrawal was not praiseworthy. He clearly showed the incongruity of those who have withdrawn from society, such as the hippies, and yet, these same people expect society to support them in many ways. He gave several examples, however:,, of young people who were already con- tributing to the betterment of humanity and said that young pecple today who do good far outnumber the few who often make the headlines through their destructiveness. Photo at left Mr. E.J. Morgan guest speaker at Schreiber High School Commencement. Photo at right Sharon Smith, soloist at Schreiber High School Commencement. Photo at left Cora Spadoni the Valedictor- ian. Photo below front row Linda Pidluzny: | Shirley Phillips, back row - Elizabeth Hayes, Leona Vienneau, Sheron MacDonald, Jeannie Therpe, Helen Williamson, Saara Pelto.