JUNE 5, 1969 SCHREIBER CARD PARTY HELD BY U.C.W. Mrs. Russell Macadam and Mrs. Walter Dukes were convenors for a very successful card party held by the United Church Women May 27th in the Church Hall. Mrs. Wesley Clemens was cashier . Winners at bridge were Mrs. Pat Guina, first, Mrs Doug Bennitz, second, and Mrs. Morrow Riddell, consolation. First prize for whist was won by Mrs. Alvin Slater, second Mrs. Innes West and Mrs. Ralph Morrill, consolation. Mrs. Jim Gray and Mrs. George Lehto assisted in the kitchen. The door prize was won by Mrs. Wesley Clemens. SCHREIBER COUNCIL QUOTES Reeve Harness stated at the regular meeting of Schreiber council that he will have information re- garding the Bell Telephone building as soon as district manager D. Oliver, returns from Ottawa. A working agreement is being drawn up by Councillor McParland to be presented to township utilities men. After a lengthy discussion on the Langworthy street property it was decided to hold the matter over for further investigation, Reeve Harness and Clerk Jarva were authorized to sign lease with Canadian Pacific regarding pro- perty formerly leased to Bell Telephone Company of Canada on Winnipeg Street. Hall rental rates were reviewed but decision held over. Road foreman E. Borutski will attend the North- western Ontario Good Roads School to be held in Fort William June 16 - 17. The town foreman was authorized to order one pipe arc culvert equivalent to a 60" size for use on Newman Street. Two members of the town volunteer fire departmen will attend the Regional Fire School being held June 7 - 11 in Fort William. Reeve Harness said a diver will inspect the Cooks Lake Dam. Water works accounts in the amount of $604.48 and general accounts of $1365.78 were passed for payment. cont'd next column .... PAGE 11 A complaint concerning high speed car racing going on every night on Ontario and Winnipeg streets, was turned over to the O.P.P. who assured council that every effort will be made to control the situation. Mr. Borutski will investigate a complaint from a resident concerning damage to a fence during re- moval of snow from the lane. The property committee will look after problems in the public library. CHARTER DRAPED AT LODGE MEETING The Charter was draped in memory of the late Mrs. Lavina Guy, past president of the Rebekah Assembly of Ontario at the regular meeting, May 28 of Ruby Rebekah Lodge . Mrs. Norma Fummerton, NG and Mrs. Christing Morris, VG presided. - In the sick and visiting report given by the vice grand she said birthday cards had been sent to Mrs. Ted Wilson, lva Darcy; also sympathy and get well cards to other members . An invitation was received from Schreiber Lodge _ 402 100F, to join them in a Memorial Day service at Terrace Bay Community Church on Sunday, June 15 at 10. a.m. (Schreiber time). Transportation wil be available from the Lodge room at 9.20 a.m. Agate Lodge No. 252, Fort William, sent an in- vitation to attend their meeting June 6, when in- itiation will be held. Notice was received from the Ladies Auxiliary of the Terrace Bay Community Church of a concert by the Ukrainian Youth Association to be held June 8, 3 p.m. in the high school auditorium. A donation was made to the Canadian Bible Soci- ety. First nominations were held for elective officers - for Noble Grand - Mrs. Christina Morris, Vice Grand - Mrs. Glorie Miller, recording secretary - Mrs. Beth Macadam, financial secretary - Mrs. Helen Wallace, PDDP, treasurer - Mrs. Sheila Bosley, Mrs. Elizabeth Harris was nominated as trustee. Following the next meeting lunch will be served, the committee in charge will be Mesdames Lillian Christie, Barbara Nesbitt, Helen D'Arcy, Hermine Bryant, and Helen Wallace. Degree practise was held after the meeting and there will be another practise held Junel0.