| Thunder Bay, made a strong plea in committee that | exception of a little sheet metal work. -will not be occupied until late this Fall, when in PAGE 8C TERRACE BA MAY 1, 1969 eH EN eee | KOLESAR 'S$ SPORTS SALE PHONE 3327, TERRACE BAY At a recent meetiag of the Commons Committe on Nationa! Defence and External Affairs, it was re- vealed that Canada has 1000 doctors and dentists ser- ving in the Canadian Armed Forces, out of a total of approximately 98,000 personne!. The Departnent of Nationa! Defence is planning a reduction of the Officer Corp over the next several years. Keith Penner, the Member of Parliament for FISHING TACKLE i AND some of the military doctors and dentists be retired, sa that they could be available for civilian practice, particularly in Northwestern Ontario where a serious i" ' shortage exists. Th2 Community of Schreiber, pe ACCESSORIES | Ontario has experienced great difficulty in acquiring the services of a physician. JACK STOKES WRITES THE HON. RAY CONNELL Dear Mr. Minister, yy | have asked the Hon. Rene Brunelle, Minister of 3) ALUMINUM SHAFT CLUBS Lands and Forests, for information regarding the date : . for the turnover of the Lands and Forests headquarters |W ' Special PRACTICE GOLF 10¢ea) building recently constructed at Terrace Bay. BALLS There has been some indication that these premises fact the building is now completed, with the possible Surely it is in the best interests of all concerned, particulagly the taxpayer, that such expenditures be justified by its usage at the earliest possible moment if we are to demonstrate that in fact their money !s well spent. An assurance that these elaborate facilities will be put to good use without delay will be greatly apprec- iated. Jack Stokes, MPP. Thunder Bay. WHITE ELEPHANT AND RUMMAGE SALE MAY 23rd. AND 24th. ae. COMMUNITY CHURCH HALL FRIDAY FROM - 7-9 p.m. SATURDAY FROM, - 10-12 Mr. and Mrs. J. Commisso