Xiy "THE OWL'S HOOT" SMITH VISITS SCHREIBER John Smith, youngest member of the Ontario Progressive Conservative Caucus, visited Schreiber last Tuesday . Recently Mr. Smith spent a holiday in the cold North by visiting a small Eskimo village on the shor es of Hudson Bay. His reference toa "town in trans ition" aptly describes the conflict which many Eskim os experience as the civilization of the white man gradually effects the people who inhabit the North. In a film shown, snow machines and dog teams were seen in operation side by side and reference was made to. the great amount of tooth decay among the Eskimos due to the recent introduction of canned "pop" while, one the other hand there is not one dentist to serve the area. lt was a great privilege to have Mr. Smith speak to our student body and we wish to thank him for a very striking presentation. EASTER DANCE Our annual Easter Dance was held last weekend in the gymnasium of Schreiber High. Many came out to listen and dance to the music of the Down- beats, a band from Wawa, who proved very well. We're sure everyone in attendance enjoyed them- selves thoroughly. HOLY ANGELS' HARP (Continued) Mr. Jack Stokes MPP visited the grade 7 and 8 class at Holy Angels last Thursday. He outlined the different departments within the Ontario Gov- ernment and gave us an idea as to the duties of each department and their annual budgets. Questions followed his delivery and because there were so many questions he has promised to return again sometime. He is presently in Parliament work= ing on the Province's Budget. Cathy Fiorenza found herself a comfortable chair, a good book and an interested listener and sat down to read her s tory. The rabbit is the most recent '4d- mission"to Holy Angels. LIBRARY BOARD MEETS H.M Ermel presided for the regular April meeting : of the public library board on April 12. The audited report, submitted by Miss Gwen Hadley was studied and a letter of appreciation sent to Jack Friesen for doing the auditing. Word was received that the book exchange will take place on April 28th. ; Tony Farthing sent advice and suggestions on the new shelving and it was decided to start on the re- plocement of shelves by purchasing four for the west wall of the library, doing away with present assorted old one and present a unified appearance. There will be an additional exchange of books this year, in June, since it has been found that from April or May to September is too long a span be- tween exchanges. Miss Hadley reported that the use of reference books by elementary school students has risen appreciable and the board were gratified. A.G. Pepper of the Regional library sent prelim- inary notice of a workshop planned for the last wee end in May when films - distribution, programming, assistance to users, and how to use films for library purposes will be on the agenda. Another book display will be brought down from the Regional library during June for selections. It was agreed that additional space 'cont'd page 11..