PAGE 8 TERRACE BAY NEWS NOVEMBER 30, 1967 RECREATION NEWS by D. Courtemanche ering to find out the date df future activities when aera neinearenoe--reteyere tn planning their own. Some of the events are planned for the same evening. With our population, doyyou ! think this is wise? Would you not have a better turn out if your activity was the only one being held that | day? Let's get together. If you are planning an activity, phone the Recreation Office with your plans. We will try to keep. you up to date, as the newspaper is interested in printing tn Activity Calendar. Skate Exchange: Here's what you were waiting for - When - Friday, December Ist Time - 6 - 7.30 p.m. Where - Meeting Room #3-Recreation Centre Skates for exchange are to be brought to Meeting Room #3 between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. for price labelling and owner identification. There will be a 25¢ handling charge for all skates that are to be ex- changed or sold. Unsold Skates must be picked up no later than 7.45 p.m. Friday, December Ist. Proceeds from the Skate Exchange will go towards the Public School Grade 8 project fund. Men's Basketball: Basketball is being held Mondays } and Wednesdays from 9 p.m. to 11 p.m. in the High School auditorium. New members are welcome. (Cont'd on page 10) Arena Public Skating Schedule: Times are as follows Sunday 2 to 4p.m., nd 7 to 9? p.m., Wednesday 3.30 to 5.30 p.m.; Friday 7 to 9.30 p.m. These sessions are supervised for your safety and fun. Hockey Coaches Clinic: We were very disappointed with the response to all the advertising and work pu into this clinic.. There was a total of |2 registration with 8 from Schreiber and 4 from Terrace Bay. We are also disappointed in the inability of some of the Terrace Bay Minor Hockey League at attend this clinic. Some persons had to work and others may have had legitimate excuses; however, just 4 person in attendance, when they knew almost 2 months in advance the date of the clinic,makes one wonder . We must congratulate Instructors Cy Brassard, Terrace Bay, Bill Shannon, Athletic Co-Ordinator, Lakehead University, Port Arthur, and Gord McMorland, Marathon, for not becoming discourag ed with the small turnout and putting on an excell- ent clinic. Not one of the I2 persons in attendance left until the completion of the clinic, which last- ed all day. Future Planned Activities: It is noticeable that some groups are not -- the newspaper or both- |; CHRISTMAS SANTA SALES SEE YOUR CHRISTMAS FLYER FOR EXCEPTIONAL VALUES ON' SALE FOR: GIFT GIVING. EXTRA FLYERS AVAILABLE AT OUR WRAPPING COUNTER. XMAS BUDGET PLAN STILL AVAILABLE. BUY TODAY, NOTHING TO PAY, UNTIL ROBINSON STORES re Where Shopping is a Pleasure PHONE 825-3891