Page 10 TERRACE BAY NEWS October 5, 1967 # N The Semi-Annual meeting of the Ladies Curling Ch ub will be held in the Club Lounge on October |6 at 8 p.m. All members and prospective members are invited to attend. Re rr ore mi ees 7 ee ean ae i Sane oe ee em seme!" ney taka: | cee aa tate sone {bess mele Weel alee ead" abaya ioe ee fe aaa ee eee TERRACE BAY LADIES CURLING CLUB - MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM 1967 - 68 NAME Phone Years of Experience, if any satan niiaidegie steam ures ipa Curling preferred: Afternoon Evening Both Desired position of play (mark Ist. and 2nd)Skip Third Second Lead Team Entry: SKIP THIRD SECOND LEAD Note: Dues must be paid before the start of scheduled games. Bring this form to the meeting or send to Ida Romanuk. ENJOY A FAMILY hanksgiving AT THE 'Temace Say MOTOR HOTEL TERRACE BAY ONTARIO MONDAY, OCTOBER 9th. e DINNER SERVED FROM 5:30 TO 7.00 P.M, e FOR RESERV ATIONS CALL - - - 825-3292