NEWS of ; & © BS of ae = a 8S a Be oe 8 So = OO 28% -- 9 4S > > Sea fee cS 128s ie (a Sat yogis SHS Ee tok ee ae Un aes 212 O NEWS invites you to come 967 collection of AL CHRISTMAS CARDS -AN CHOOSE FROM A COMPLETE COLLECTION JE CHRISTMAS CARDS. ~AN SELECT DESIGNS FROM LEADING CANADIAN \MERICAN ARTISTS. ARE GUARANTEED COMPLETE SATISFACTION. WILL RECEIVE PROMPT DELIVERY OF YOUR ORDER. AL SERVICES TO BUSINESS FIRMS, SERVICE CLUBS, -RNAL AND OTHER ORGANIZATIONS. Page 13 SAVINGS BONDS (from Page 1) | saving. It may be a cherished future project such as providing a univ~ ersity education for their children, buying a home, a business: or farm, towards the purchase of new furn- iture or preparing for @ more comfortable life after retirement. Canada Savings Bonds provide an ideal method of putting aside enough money to realize such a project. Last year, 694,000 em- ployees across Canada | bought $269, million | worth of Canada Savings | Bonds through payroll savings plans. In Ontario sales through payroll sav- ings alone amounted to nearly $95-million through out nearly 236,000 appli- cations . A new feature of this year's series is that pur- | chasers may buy up to $50,000 five times the limit applied to last year's issue, and purchasers are not confined to individuals, but may be groups 2 As in former years, Canada cashed at any time by the Canada for their full face The bonds are being $50. through f your Community 1 Commission -operation 0 h the co ] Committee and your ic School Grounds. Pupl Presented by the Centennia and brought to you wit Provincial Centennia INA WA. A av * ( ; ey Oct. 7, Terrace Bay W &Y or organizations. Savings Bonds can be holder at any bank in value plus earned interest. issued in denominations ranging from to $25,000. In addition, to being purc savings, the new series will also be available for purchase from chartered banks, investment dealers, stock brokers and trust and loan companies . hased through payroll es HOUSE FOR SALE - at 29 Pine Crescent, six rooms, garage and recreation room. Phone 3373 daytime and 3668 evenings. ------------------_ TOWN TOPICS - Mr. & Mrs. C. Sitch were in Port Arthur last Friday attending the funeral of Mr. Sitch' < ke co