When: you turn 21 you are no longer covered by your parents' Hospital Insurance. You must take out individual membership within 30 days. Get your ap- plication form at a bank, a hospital, or the Commission. '" NEW JOB? To keep insured fol- low the instructions on the Hospital In- surance "Certificate of Payment--Form 104" that your present employer is required to give you on leaving. NEWLY WED? The "family" Hospital Insurance premium must now be paid to cover husband and wife. Notify your "group" without de- lay or if you both pay premiums direct, no- tify the Commission. Your ONTARIO HOSPITAL INSURANCE Plan Ontario Hospital Services Commission, Toronto 7, Ontario. © TERRACE BAY NEWS NOTICE OF CURFEW Owing to numerous complaints being received re- garding vandalism and loitering, the Council of the Township of Schreiber has decided that effect- ive Friday, September 22, 1967 the curfew act under the RSO Chapter 14, Section 43 will be enforced which reads as follows: (3) No boy or girl under sixteen years of age shall loiter in any public place between the hours of 9 o'clock in the afternoon and 6 o'clock in the morn- ing of the following day or be in any place of public resort or entertainment during such hours unless accompanied by his or her paren t or an adult appointed by the parent to accompany the boy or girl. (4) A boy or girl found contravening any provision of this section may be warned by a constable, and, if the warning is not regarded or if, after the warn- ing, the boy or girl is again found contravening any provision of this section, the boy or girl may be taken by the constable to the home of the boy or girl or to a place of safety and dealt with as a child apparently in need of protection. (5) A parent who permits his boy or girl to contra- vene any provision of this section is guilty of an offence and on summary con viction before a judge is liable to a fine of not more than $25. and, for any subsequent offence, to a fine of not more than $100. Council of the Township of Schreib er. PRESS RELEASE: Miss Rita Oya, Reg. N., has been appointed Public Health Nurse in charge of the N ipigon sub-office o the Port Arthur and District Health Unit. She is a graduate of the School of Nursing, Vict- oria Hospital, London, Ontario and completed her Diploma in Public Healti: Nursing at the University of Western Ontario. : Prior to joining the staff of the Port Arthur and District Health Unit, Miss Oya was on the Public Health Nursing Staff of Elgin-St.Thomas Health Unit for five years. She will now serve the Nipigon and Red Rock area. Miss Heather Crowhurst, who joined the staff during the summer will be responsible for the Schr- eiber-Dorion area. 'South West September ZI, 176/ North-South Vulnerable South Deals: NORTH $93 HK95 DAK10632 C86 EAST $1072 HA7632 DIJI74 CQ4 SOUTH SAK84 H Void D98 CAKIJ10975 THE BIDDING: (ACTUAL) North East 2G Pass 2D Pass 2D Pass 3D Pass 6C All Pass QUEEN OPENING LEAD: HEART Today's South was playing standard American and didn't want partner to pass any open- ing bid, so attempted a forcing two-club bid. The result. of his efforts was this slam, bid and made. It would not be recom- mended here to bid a forcing two clubs with the South hand as declarer has only nine sure tricks and needs eleven to make a_five-club game. The North hand is full of points and the slam makes with distribution but North could just as eas"ly come up with a "'bust" hand. Forcing your partner to bid can be justified only when vou have enough tricks in your own hand to make game or when you can easily sign-off at a Jow level. This hand could produce a poor North-South score if North's hand had been weaker in- dia- monds or void in clubs. How- ever, South bids the club slam and was rewarded when both spades and trumps broke evenly. Heart queen was covered with dummy's king and East's ace, declarer winning with a small trump. Two rounds: of spades and a spade ruff in dummy were followed by declarer cash- ing the good diamonds and drawing trumps with the top two honors. This line of play happens to work with the hand at even distribution but should East exchange a spade for a heart, declarer would, be argu- ing with partner all the way home. In your game, if you re- quire a forcing bid: or a semi- forcing bid, find a system which is scientifically correct and which has been produced by a top-flight expert. There are many players who play a "'short club" which has no system, no science, nor any sense, and which produces the occasional good score but more often causes new partnerships to form.