July 20, 1967 L. to R. H.M. Ermel, principel, Mrs. R.Mecedem, Mrg. Venderlip W.G.Furlonger, Gary § RETIREMENT PARTY HELD Staff and board members of Schreiber Public Schoo with wives and husbands attended a dinner party in honor of Mrs. Vidblet Vanderlip who is retiring from teaching and going to live in southern Ontario. Also, Gary Speck who is leaving the staff, but remaining in Schreiber to teach at the Separate school was honored. Mr .Speck received a bout- onniere and Mrs. Vanderlip received gifts. ACROSS 1-Jump 4-Manufac- tured 6-Prefix: down 7-Go in 8-Writing im- plement 9-Cooled lava 10-Fear 14-Falls behing 16-Unit of Siamese cur- rency - 18-Pronoun 21-Continued stories 22-Nahoor sheep 23-Remunera- tion 24- Beverage 25-Sodium chloride 26-Before 28-Obese he mistaken -Contai 32-Flying Property mammal -Cooling an ag - 33- Prohibition device 3-Ability "" -- 34-Limb "Three-toed y 35-Insane sloth B 33-College de- gree (abbr.) 37-Separated -Containers 35-Small rug 36-Swiss river 37- Equality 38-Reach across 40-In music, 8-Cushion 11-Exist 12-Unclose 13-Nobleman 15-Sober 17-Metal 19-Babylonian deity 20-Devoured 21-Place 22-Sink in middle 23-Gasp for breath 25-Weight of India 26-Finishes 27-In music, high 28-Distant 29-Period of MME E IN} ld} CHEVES Th<fo} SOLUTION -Narrow, flat board -Jury list -Item of -Chapeau -Uncouth person -World War Il agency (init.) -Communist -Behold! -French article high 41-Cultivated land 42- Youngster 43-Beast of burden 44-Vehicle 45- Indefinite article 46-Pronoun 47-Jewish teacher 50- Tissue 52-Verve 54-Female sheep ieee of Pox 2505 plished DOWN 1-Possesses 2-Native metal 3-Teacher 4-Speck S-Simian TERRACE BAY NEWS oS . ee Leto R. David Estergaard, Vancouver, Mra. Lee Stroud, Spokanel Washington, Mrs. Bern Whent, N.G. Ruby Rebekehs and convenor for dinner, Richard Bein, driver of Spokang, Washington chosen for driving ability and character, Photo by I.McCuaig BUS-LOAD OF STUDENTS STOP IN SCHREIBER The bus load of students from western Canada and the U.S.A. going to the United Nations made its i annual stop-over in Schreiber July 12. The dinner, arranged by the Rebekahs and 1.0.0 .F..was again served in the United Church hall. Father J.M. Cand said Grace and Rev. C.E.Prinselaar gave the bene- dictioni. J.D. Phillips was M.C. introducing the leaders with the group. Local dignitaries offered good wishes including Bill Jones, P.D.D.G.M. for 1.0.0.F., Mrs. B.Whent, Councillor R. B. Spadoni and W.R.Bray on behalf of township of Terrace Bay . Bryan Harris offered thanks of the students and foll- owing dinner the students presented a program of organ selections. Mrs. B. Whent proposed the Toast to the Queen. Rev. and Mrs. C.E. Prinselaar and family are on vacation in various points in Manitoba. Nicolle Oulette of Montreal is home with her parents Mr. & Mrs. E. Oulette. G: Birch with Model T in which he pnd his femily rode in Centennisl Ppsrede recently. Photo by I.McCurig,