May 4, 1967 TERRACE BAY N EWS Page 5 C.W.L. CONVENTION ( from Page 2) Reverend A J Carriere, O.M.I., Reverend W. Maurice, S.J., These speakers will be bringing to the Convention, much food for thought and a better understanding of the difference in the two cultures Most Reverend R.A. Carey, Red Rock will be Cele- brant at the opening Mass on Wednesday. Mrs F.A. Helmink, Terrace Bay, Diocesan President will be in attendance along with thirty-four parish councils, Presidents, Directors and members from as far west as Rainy River and Marathon in the east. Education is big business. It is also good business . Industry does not contribute sizeable sums to futile, endeavour. It major industries such as ours are cont- ributing to the growth of Lakehead University, surely we, as individuals, can see there must be sense in contributing dollars as a pledge of faith in our mat- erial and cultural growth in this area. The fact that for every $1 raised in Northwestern Ontario, an add- itional $6. will be contributed by the Provincial and Federal Governments, sounds like good business too. Increased monies coming into the Lakehead area should mean something to us as businessmen. But it should also mean much to us as parents; of the 1966 graduating class, 80% remained in the Lakehead area to work in industry or research or to teach. It should mean something to us as adults that we have had and can continue to have credit degree courses given in Terrace Bay, courses which contribute to increased earning power as well as to an enriched mental outlook. All this should add up to the real- ization that our contribution is an investment for us, for our children and for our children's children. Representatives of Lakehead University have arranged to presént their program to the residents of Terrace Bay on Monday, May 8th at 8 p.m. in the High School Auditorium. Come and hear what they have to offer; we are also encouraged to bring any questions pertaining to any aspect of the Lakehead University we may have. TENDERS Tenders will be accepted up to May 15th for painting at the Public School. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Particulars may be obtained from: Mr. J. R. Lang, Public School Board, Terrace Bay, Ontario. PLANNING A MOVE? Contact your Allied Van Lines Agent - Mrs.R. Mitchell. Phone 825-3606. FOR SALE - high chair, play pen, junior bed, commode chair. $30. for the lot. Phone Schreiber 309. FOR SALE - 3-sets of windows and storm windows to match. Frames to fit windows 65" x 7%9-1/2", Phone 3617. Sherwin Miller and Cliff Knauff were given a joint party in Don Stewart's camp at Walker's Lake and presented with a farewell gift by a group of friends prior to their departure to the West Coast. WHY US? ? How can the development of a university at the Lakehead mean anything to us here in Terrace Bay? Is this just another drive for our money? What are we going to get out of an educational boom 140 miles to the west of us? We are a young community. Primary and Secondar education for our children has been and is of extreme importance to us. Now the majority of these childre are fast approaching the time when they must go awa for higher education. No longer does the cry "what ' is good enough for Dad, is good enough for son" hold, especially when it applies to education. Every one realizes the necessity for further education in this day of increasing automation and specialization. Educators have known this; parents are becoming more aware of it; industry admits it needs men with special knowledge and skills; labour wants increased incomes and fuller lives for its members and leaders. TEEN TALK Teen Town held a successful dance Friday evening in a discotheque setting giving the High School Auditorium a coffee house atmosphere. Red and green spotlights with loud hit music playing were featured. D.J. for the evening was Bruce Lundberg who gave an unusual news report! Refreshments were available to end an enjoyable evening. A Summer Festival is being planned by Teen Town for June 29, 30 and July 1. Heading the events is a Street Dance, a Beach Party and Bar B-Q, races and a Midway Circus for the youngsters. A Semi-Formal dance is planned to wind up the Fest- ival and Centennial dress will be strongly encouragec It will be on event for the whole town to attend and one y¢-u won't want to miss. ¥ + |