Page |0 TERRACE BAY NEWS October 6, 1966 Terrace Bay Junior A - Hockey Club 1966-67 EME CUTIVE PRESIDENT - - JOE HEENAN - - VICE-PRESIDENT - - FRED McMILLAN - - SECRETARY - - MIKE MALLAIS - - COACH - - CY BRASSARD - - MANAGER - - JON MacDONALD - - TRAINER ~ - KEN RENETTE - - DIRECTORS - - BILL STACHIW Sr. - JACK PHILLIPS - - GUS DREXLER - - BENNY HAYES - - BUCK MATIOWSKY - - WE NEED AND EARNESTLY SOLICIT THE SUPPORT OF ALL DURING THE COMING SEASON. O.E.S. PENNY AUCTION (Continued from P.8) Anderson, Clancy, Gaulin, Whitton, Bryson, Haugh 'Husser, Marsh and Farrow. GUIDE-BROWNIE ASSOCIATION MEETS The September meeting of the local Association of Guides and Brownies took place Monday night in the. | Community Church under the chairmanship of Mrs. | Hazel Lang. Reports were read by executive and the various convenors. The resignation of Mrs.lris Finch, district commissioner, was read with regret, | also a letter expressing her pleasure in her spring visit to Terrace Bay. Resignations from several | local guiders were also read at the meeting. It was agreed that the Guides and Brownies would take on the responsibility of two flower beds in the Centennial Park. This will include buying plants and general maintenance of the beds. The Brownies will collect old nylons after school on October 24th. Mrs .Lang thanked Mrs .Dot Thompson and Mrs. Shirley Mikus for the capable way they organized the Guide and Brownie stand at the Fall Festival . Following adjournment of the meeting lunch was served by Mrs.Lang and Mrs .Farrow.' FIGURE SKATING EXECUTIVE ELECTED At a recent meeting of Terrace Bay Figure Skating Club, Mr. K.Turner was returned as president; Mrs. Alicia Evans-Smith as vice-president and test chair- man; Mrs.Donna Josus as treasurer; executive secre- tary, Donna Fedorak and trustees for 1966-67 will be Mrs.M.Cumming, Mrs.M.Santerre, Mrs.B. Dejonghe and Mrs .Rajotte. Mrs .B. Hutcheon of Port Arthur has agreed to be the club professional. The Figure Skating Clinic to be held in November will ensure a sufficient number of assistant coaches. For the clinic a total of forty billets are required in town. An earnest request is made for help in this matter. It will involve only sleeping accommoda- tion and breakfast on Saturday and Sunday mornings A general meeting is planned shortly to which everyone is cordially invited. The regional meeting of the Catholic Women's League will be held in St.Martin's (continued p.11)