THE GETTING CLOTHING READY FOR SCHOOL? Try our personalized ser- vice - best on the North Shore - nothing left to chance! Let us get your clothes EXTRA CLEAN! PHONE 155 al Via aly] S/S aR S|NI>! 9-Gem 10-Unit of energy 11-Golf mound -Military as- ACROSS -Gratuity NEWS September 8, 1966 GREEN MAGIC PLANT FOOD LTD. OFFERS EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISES Sales and merchandising training provided. Succes- ful applicants to supply own transportation and stor- age. Reply in writing giving full particulars and references to ... Box 69, Brownsville, Ontario ? Kiwanis Club or VE a ey. e OF EVENTS . Chamber of Commerce Meeting Thursday Night - in | ~ -Holds back -Custom -Rise and fall of ocean -Mark left by wound -Lean-to (pl.) -Bogged down -Existed -Freshet -Teutonic deity -Sea eagle -Portion -Prefix: three -Note of scale -Extra -Handle sistant _ -Transaction -Look fixedly -European 22-Long-legged bird -Masts -Weird -Falls in drops -Fissile rock -Overflowed -Decorated -Go by water -Apothe- cary's weight -Snares -Following second 39-African tree 40-Pronoun 41-Measure of 42-Sainte EMEIE) 1 fe]. SSH S} mists 213 Sl [vt als) BS SOLUTION 43-Period of - time 44-Free of 47-Senior (abbr.) weight (abbr.) Rec .Centre at 7.30 p.m. Art Club Exhibit - 8 - 10 p.m. daily FISH DERBY - Br. 223, Can.Legion - members only - August 31st to September 30th. Art Show Voyageur Restaurant QUEEN MERMAID (Continued from page |!) the chance to judge their appearance when they par- aded in the Arena wearing their swimsuits. Beauty, -Involves as a necessary accompani- ment -Attempts -Stir up -Pretense -Compart- ment for horse - Quiver -Jump -Chemical compound -Silkworm -Abstract being -Fear -Parent (colloq.) DOWN -Sailor (colloq.) -Anger -Mold -Pasteboards -Be borne 6-Paid notices 7-Symbol for tellurium 8-Instruct ee Rx Rx CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEETING SEPT. 8TH The first meeting following a two months' recess will be held on Thursday, September 8th at 7.30 p.m in the large meeting room of the Recreation Centre. This meeting is called earlier than the regular meet- ing date owing to members of the local Chamber at- tending the N'western Chamber of Commerce conven- tion which is being held the following week. All members are urged to attend this first Fall meeting. personality and total ticket sales contributed to the judges' decision which was received with cheers from the crowd. Following her coronation by Miss Canada, Mary- Ellen thanked those who supported her in her campaig and the Kiwanis Club for making it possible for her to win. Her prize is a two week course at the Walter Thornton Model Agency in Toronto. Mary-Ellen is the daughter of Mr.and Mrs. J.Little of Terrace bay. She attended both elementary and High School here and is now employed in the Snack Bar of the Recreation Centre. MISS CANADA CAPTIVATES DISTRICT RESIDENTS Despite.a delay in her arrival Miss Canada stepped from her car serene and smiling, accompanied by well-known personalities Jerry Isherwood and Marion Vickruk of CKPR Television. Her first duty was to present the first prize in the Soap Box Derby to Bob Simmer. She commented that it looked dangerous but fun to hurtle two hundred yards down a steep hil. After touring the shopping plaza she appeared in the Arena to perform the coronation (Cont'd P.5. .)