July 2 TERRACE BAY NEWS Page Il HYDRO AREA OFFICE ADOPTS D.S.T. To be consistent with the municipality in which the area office is located, working hours of Ontario Hydro's area office in Terrace Bay have been changed from Eastern Standard to Eastern Daylight Saving. G.L.Cr andlemire, Area Manager, in an- "nouncing the change, pointed out that the muni- pality of Terrace Bay has adopted Eastern Day- light Saving Time for a period from July Ist to September 5th, inclusive. Since most of the area staff are located in Terrace Bay, the change to Daylight Time will be consistent with that in the town. Office hours will remain the same as before - 8.30 A.M. to 12.00 noon and 1.00 P.M. to 4.30 P.M. When the town returns to Eastern Standard time in the fall, the office will also revert to Standard Time. LEROY - Just re- ceived the message vie the Clamograph.* With all that elec- trical storm Sundey wid night it came thru mi gound and cleer. The BOOK is publish- ed--tips on how to win the Derby and all the Chief knows de about fishing. IT'S FREE te ell persons buying tickets at Rossport Inn for one week--after that 4t goez on sale. SIMPLY TERRIFIC. THE BIG ANSWER ON HOW TO WIN ALL FISHING DERBIESS And, Leroy, the winners of last week, KEN GRAHAM OF PORT ARTHUR, with an 8 1b. 5 ozer and followed by that Kid from Kalamazoo, Michigan with a 5 1b. 10 oz. and that 80 yr. old Mr.Schlumph from Durand, Wisc. with a 5 1b. 8 ozer. That big feller, Dr.Andy Lawrie, Director of Fisheries Research is back and is he ever going to straighten out a few things on this fishing. DR.ANDY JUST DON'T CARE WHERE THE CHIPS FALL. He's got all the answers and he's the old Professor from Toronto U. Leroy, He's the feller thet put our enemy, Mr.Lamprey, on the run. You should meet this character Lawrie--he's got beard end all, er vary me just like one of those famous guys--only he's so modest-- 1-Once around can e e ' thick: ginerreiine als don't like the title *"Doctor'. 4-Caudal ap- 5-Ventilate Now they are going te tag a bunch of us. Won't that eu: §-Cyerinald Be) be fun next year. If we are caught we could be worth a Watch fish o ae 7-European [al v] lot of dough. -Girl's name Ba eared siecle So Long Leroy and don't get tripped up. Ozzie is pet $F atge tg coming back in the News in a big way. Por the kids of ze ands wniril- pigeon ind al courses You guessed it. All Ozzie thinks about is the 17-Beam 10-Trite H kids. 19-Symbol for 14-Pellet i | nickel 3 16-Golf mound Peete im- 18-Near 21-Witty re- So ehowean SOLUTION NEW PRIZE CATEGORY FOR ROSSPORT DERBY 22-Man's nick oi Vacete ee 34-Frui 44-Girl S d of C - nick- -Youn -Fruit drink -Girl's name 1 1 name ge voumahey). Ga-cevit de ore che To help the Fisheries Research Boar of Canada * r B S . sheltered : i eee Pere meat gan cme a7 ecler vater| determine the total catch of Lake Trout by anglers i 8-Ship ch \ i , . es . 25-Chapeau aa Manor seaep ace ee __ 48-Man's namel in the Nipigon Bay area, the Rossport Derby is 26- Mound 31-Indefinite 40-Chief artery 49-Male sheep a i K 27-Sailor yo umber se eect artery et cooled lava | Offering a special prize each week. As they are colloq. 2-Before 43-A ti £3-Indefinit ' 1 Ps. Aeriform ac haut A continent £3-Indefite | reported, each fish will be numbered and at the 9-Everybody's uncle | end of the week the angler whose trout matches 30-Man's nick- sanih a sealed lucky number will be eligible for a prize. 35-Openwork yioaane 725 next week it might be the 4th or the 10th or the -Cut Be a otbiet doe For example, suppose the sealed lucky number Ici ° ° ° Openwe for the week was 13 - the angler bringing in the abric - i é -Period of 13th fish for that week receives the prize. The -Cook slowly ' : Pee cscs A0th--so bring them all in - large or small. -Distress signal -Rodent "Babylonian LAKEHEAD EXHIBITION OPENS JULY 29 "Conjunction The Canadian Lakehead Exhibition opens for a et ih H nine day run July 29, expecting to attract 150,000 wae mye visitors with its revitalized midway, a totally-new "chloride concept in grandstand shows, seven cars to be 6 I given away as attendance prizes and renewed buildings packed with 7,000 displays. EEE EERE 1-Part of face