THE SCHREIBER NEWS January 27, 1966 TOWNSHIP COUNCIL HOLDS FIRST MEETING Reeve F.V.Harness welcomed new member R.B. f Spadoni and G.W.Robson, clerk-treasurer, at the inaugural meeting of the Schreiber Municipal Coun- cil and congratulated councillors for their splendid work in the past year. He asked for consideration of methods of collecting taxes, legality of discounts for payments and remodelling the auditorium with more encouragement being given to its use. Councillor J.P.Guina stated he felt consideration should also be given to collection of taxes and re- assessment of the township of Schreiber; re-scaling of streets; the artificial ice project; fire department to be considered and recommendations made. Councillor H.J.McParland suggested a prepaid certificate be issued to reduce borrowing. He sug- gested 5% if paid by the end of January and 3% if paid by the end of March. He recommended a re- serve' fund be set up in budget estimates for future capital expenditures. Councillor R.B.Spadoni remarked on matters of concern and suggested a review and enforcement of pedlar license by-laws; car salesmen to be bonded and government regulations enforced. He urged continued encouragement of location of business in Schreiber; the over assessment of business con- cerns. Appointments were made as follows: H.J.McPar- land, chairman of the property committee and rate- payers representative to the Schreiber Citizens Rink Committee for 1966; Edmond Borutski, utility man; F,,H.Black and Co. as auditors for the township for the year 1966 to audit 1965 records and-eheck on audit 1966 records; H.Blanchard, town solicitor; Arnold Burns, caretaker; H.M.Ermel, ratepayers" representative to the public library board. G.W. Robson was formally appointed clerk-treasurer, as well as tax collector and assessment commissioner for 1966. Standing committees appointed were: Finance, J. P.Guina and R.B.Spadoni - Property, H.J.McPar- land and J.P.Guina - Roads & Bridges, R.B.Spadoni and J.M.McGrath - Water Works, J.M.McGrath and H.J.McParland - Fire Dept., J.M.McGrath - Police Dept., Reeve F.V.Harness, H.J.McParland and J.P.Guina - Qwilding Inspector, J.P.Guina. Reeve Harness or Councillor McGrath and Clerk Robson were authorized to make all fixed payments for the year 1966. Water Works department rental was set at $240 as in previous years. The library grant was set at $1200 and rental at $800 for the year. Reeve Harness and Clerk Robson were authorized to make application for the balance of the 1965 road' subsidy, (Continued MIXED BONSPIEL OPENS CURLING SEASON Winners in the mixed bonspiel which opened the curling were:- Ist event - Rev. D.F.Muldrew, skip with Katy Frommann, Myrna McCuaig and Rose Huard. Runner-up was Hobden Spikula, skip with Edgar Ray, Marg. Smith and Joe Figliomeni. In the second event Burton Phillips skipped Ron | Peche, Gus Cosgrove and Ruth Spadoni to first spot and runner up was skip Ebmer Niemi with Ralph Hew- son, Louise Karns and Evelyn Thrower. In the third event the winners were John Stitt, Norman McCuaig, June Sisson and Liz Peche. Al- vin Slater, Frank Nesbitt, Kay Gellert and Bob Spadoni were runners-up. LEGION AUXILIARY HOLD BUSY MEETING Mrs.David Gunter presided for the January meet- ing of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Royal Canadian Legion, Br.109, with twenty-six attending. A letter from the Command Centennial chairman was tabled for further discussion. Plans were com- pleted for the bingo in aid of the artificial ice fund. Mrs.Leonard Huard agreed to convene the draw at the February 11 social evening when prizes will be given for first and second. The president thanked Mrs.Bruce Lidkea and Mrs. Fred Crawley for cleaning and making an inventory of the kitchen cupboards. Mrs.A.Rigelsford reported sending cards and flow- ers to sick and bereaved people. Mrs.Ivan Johnson agreed to convene the Monster Penny Auction plan- ned for early Spring with Mesdames Alf Bull, F .Ibey, Bill Lidkea, Leonard Huard, Bruce Lidkea and Alice Potvin to assist her. Mesdames Ralph Hewson, Marie Bull, G.Cataford and Lillian Christie will be lunch hostesses for the February meeting. each member was asked to contribute two articles for the penny auction supply box at the Frebruary meeting. Mrs .Jack Winters and Mrs.Helen Nesbitt agreed to assist with the Valentine social evening, with Mrs. Jim Kostecki convening the lunch. Three members of the executive committee and one new auxiliary member will be initiated at the next regular meeting. The secretary was authorized to purchase member- ship pins, cards and constitutions. The decorating committee were given authority to buy new decorations when needed and it was agreed to select new drapes for the club.