TERRACE BAY COMMUNITY CHURCH - Rev.T.Garnett Husser 11.00 A.M. -- Rally Day Service This will be Rally Day and Services are at 9.30 and 11;00 A.M. for children with their parents. Pre-School and Grade 1 children will meet in the Church School Rooms at 11:00 A.M. September 26th - 11:00 A.M.-Sacrament of Infant Baptism. Evening Service --- Pot Luck Supper at 6:00 P.M. on Sept. 26th, followed by a Discussion Hour. Choir Practice - begins September 17th at 7:00 ST. MARTIN'S CHURCH - Rev. Dean E.A.GAllagher Saturday - Confessions 3 - 4 P.M. and 7-8 P.M. Suriday Masses - 8:15 A.M., 10 A.M. and 4.45 P.M. During the week Masses are at 7.45 A.M. and Saturday at 8.30 A.M. R_O PORT ROSSPORT UNION CHURCH -- Church Service at 3.00 P.M. on the first Sunday of the month, ST. JOHN BERCHMAN'S CHURCH - Monday at 7:00 P.M. Mass every GOSPEL MISSION Sunday School at 2 P.M. every Sunday. HK HACS L.A. TO COMMUNITY CHURCH MEET Norine Coe chaired the September meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary Wednesday evening when they met in the Terrace Bay Commnity Church. Clara Gould accompanied the opening hymn and Helen Farrell led in Worship. The Secretary, June Schritt gave her report and read the correspondence. Betty Turner gave the Treasurer's report. Committee repor were given by Virginia Galvin, Ways and Means, Betty Sweet, Sick and Visiting, Shirley Hersey Program and Mrs. Coe reported for Althea Fraser on the successful Rummage Sale held in June. The program was turned over to Betty Turner who spoke first on Nova Scotia, Vera Kennedy talked on Newfoundland, Gertrude Cotton on Prince Edward Island and Shirley Hersey on New Brunswick. A very nice display of arts, crafts and tartans of those Provinces were shown. Lunch was served by Margaret Phillips and her committee. WESTERN DIVISION GOVERNOR VISITS KIWANIS CLUB The Terrace Bay Kiwanis Club Incorporated THE NEWS Go fo the CHURCH of your choice September 16/65 SCHREIBER ST. JO *S ANGLICAN CHURCH - Rev. R.J.S.Insha® Services each Sunday at 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. ST. ANDREW'S UNITED CHURCH - Rev. D.F.Muldrew 11:00 A.M. -- MORNING WORSHIP HOLY ANGELS CHURCH - Rev. J.M. Cano, P.P. Daily Mass - 7.30 A.M. Saturday Mass - 9:00 A.M. SUNDAY MASSES - 8:00 - 9:30 and 11:00 A.M. Confessions - 4:00 to 5:30 and 7:00 to 8:30 P.M. on Saturday also before all daily Masses. EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH --- Rev. M. Kaija Evening Service every 2nd and 4th Sunday at 7:00 P.M. Bible Study every first and third Sunday at 11:00 A.M. GOSPEL MISSION - Mr. Ron Sheffield - 7:00 P.M. - Gospel Bible Hour Wednesday - 7:00 P.M. -- Prayer Meeting were honored Wednesday evening by a visit from Charlie Hall, Western Division Governor as he arrived at the most easterly point in his Division during a tour of the area Clubs. Hall was accompaneid to Terrace Bay by Mrs. Hall, Murray Babe, Lieutenant Governor and Mrs Babe. Welcoming the guests was Bob Hales, President, to a dinnef and social in the Curling Lounge. Mr. Hall addressed the member and their wives during dinner, on the activi- ties of the Kiwanis and the advancement of members and clubs before presenting to Bob Hales, a certificate of achievement. Mr. Babe also spoke of district activities and presen- ted a set of bookends to Mrs. Jean Roberts, wife of tle late Past President, Herman Roberts Gifts were presented to Mr. Hall and Mr. Babe by Bob Gunn on behalf of the local club. Mr. The Afternoon Group of the Ladies Auxiliary of the Terrace Bay Community Church will hold a Pot Luck Luncheon for their opening meeting September 20th at 1:00 P.M. Those wishing to attend MUST phone Mrs. Lil Harris 3241 of Mrs. Kay Graham 3391. Everyone welcome. SOCIAL NEWS Word has been received by Diane Paulsen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Paulsen of Terrace Bay, that she has been awarded a $500. Dominion Provincial Type A Bursary, granted by the Department of Education. Diane was also the winner of a $2,000. Kimberly-Clark Pulp . and Paper Co. Ltd. Scholarship. Diane left on the Canadian Saturday evening for Toronto where she will attend University . Here for the commencement exergis¢s at Schreiber and to