~ . , -- June 24, 1965 THE NEWS Page 11 In explanation of the increase in 1965 Public School taxe rates, the following comparison is submitted. PUBLIC SCHOOL SEPARATE SCHOOL 1964 1965 1964 1965 General Residential ~ 13.95: 15.45 1.50+ General Residential 13.9 _ 6.45 Commercial 16.83% 18.31 1.48+ Commercial 36.83 18.31 Public School Res. Tixen 41,96 .70 + Separate School Res. ." 21.58 12.95 oc? Commi. A4 Sa eeee Comm. 23.98 14.38 High School Res. 14.23 18.43 4.20+ High School Res 14.23 18.43 Comm. 15.81 20.48 4.67+ ) ' 15.81 20.48 Town Area Res. 18.62 19.89 1.27+ Town'Area 642 6a Comm. 19:62 - $989. 127 ef , 18.62 19.89 Pub.School Res. Mills 58.06 65.73 Mills Separdte School Res.mills 68.38 66.72 Mills Cee eee PO Poy _ omnes "7524. 7.06 -- © a c Increase Res. : /Decrease Res. 1.66 Mills Comm. , Vit: Comm. ei." The decrease in the Separate School Rate/ af if, 63 and 9.60 Mills is mostly the result of a surplus of $9,489.08 carried over from 1964 to 1965. / / The increase in the total Public School /Mill Rate of 7.67 and 8.19 is mostly due to increased opera- ting costs of education, .70 mills and .77/mills for the Public School requirements and 4.20 mills and 4.67 mills for High School requirements . The slight increases in the general and town area rates is also due to increased operating costs. W.F. Strutt, Clerk-Treasurer, The Corporation of The Township of Terrace Bay .. THIS HOME MUST BE SOLD BY JULY 15 - three bedroom, large livingroom, alum.siding, full base- ment, oil heat. Phone 3746, G.Weaver. (e- WANTED TO BUY - second hens Biono in good con- dition. Phone Schreiber 379. FOR SALE - medium sized crib wigh/nattress, also wooden high chair. Both for $10." Phone 3258. NOTICE - owing to the summer holiday season, or- | ganization of a Centennial Committee will be delay-| ed until September. WANTED - for Boy Scout Summef Camp - a four bur-| ner electric stove in pi condition. The | group committee is not prepared to pay too much for the stove. Phone 3743. Officers presiding at Catholic Women's League Mem -- bership Tea are pictured left to right - Mrs.A.Regis, ; Mrs .R.Ziegleman, Mrs.M.Nicol (President), Mrs. LEGION LADIES HOLD Eien be tee F.Helmink, Mrs.L.Egault and Mrs. H.Boudreau A Fathers' Day Tea was held Sunday evening in the Legion Hall by the Ladies Auxiliary to the Royal ey ee Canadian Legion, Branch 223. Convenor Mrs .Dot Coupal and president Mrs.Lorette Solly welcomed Solly and Dot Coupal, as guests were served tea or the guests. coffee with apple pie and garnishes. A door prize Tapers and flowers centered the tea table with was won by Nick Bajkiewicz. Paul Coupal, Howard Solly, Floyd Liebrock, Nick Bajkiewicz, Cy Marcella, Len Pineault, Heinz Did you Know? Schmiedschen and Arnold McKechnie alternating More than 90% of Canada's output of pulp and of at the silver tea services. Individual tea tables were] newsprint paper is sold in foreign markets. decorated in keeping with the Father ' Day theme and servitors were Misses Mary Clare Coupal, Linda Ballentine, Linda Woodruff, Heather Boyd and * : uke ee Karen Edmunds. Replenishing were Mesd. Ethyle First Mass ... Jul < to Sept. Sth. Boyd, Marie Edmunds, Win McKechnie, Lorette - no 8o'clock mass.