rs THE NEWS Novembe 964 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (Continued from Page 2 Superior Travel Council in Kakabeka Falls, November 16th and requested Council members condider attending, Secretary Margaret Simmer was instructed to inform the Department of Tourism of the forth- coming Ladies* Silver 'D* Curling to held in Terrace Bay next Fe Apprecdative remarks were passed regarding the civic-minded local Kiwanis Club who had sponsored the excellent entertainment recently enjoyed in Terrace Bay. A letter commending the Club for the lowal appearances of the Royal Winnipeg Ballet and the R.C.A.F. Training Band, also of Winnipeg, would be sent by the Chainber. Both had created wide interest with attendance from Marathon, Schreiber and Red Rock. Listening to the financial statement, sug- [gestions for the next year's budget were sought and would be presented at future meetings. It was agreed to again sponsor the "Buy Locally" campaign for Christmas shopping among the merchant members. Division 1, with members Tom Kernahan Sr., Bill Abercrombie and Jim Johnston. The Inter-Club meeting was planned around the presentation of a Kiwanis Trans-Canada Highway Banner. This very interesting and colorful banner is a map of the western half of Canada which has progressed since it orginated at the International Convention in Denver, from inter-club, wherever possible, in Victoria, British Columbia, easterly, from Club to Club, in towns and cities on or adjacent to the Trans Canada Highway. Its purpose was to conmemorate the official opening in July, 1962 of this Highway on the summit of Roger's Pass near Glacier, B.C. It will con- tinue in an easterly direction until it meets with the easterly portion of the map, some- where along the Highway. Simultaneausly the eastern half was started in St. John's, New- foundland. The western portion of the map, presented Tuesday evening to the Terrace Bay Kiwanis Club, is already ablaze with color and data. Pennants, Insignia, Kiwanis Club hats, several buttons representing their town or city on some anniversary or jubilee, items of interest pertaining to these Clubs, and even a mighty dinosaur from the Kiwanis Club of Calgary South and East, Members of the Terrace Bay Club will now travel to Sault Ste. Marie to continue the easterly chain of presentations, Making the presentation to President Hale was Governor Roy Gunn, Lt. Governor, Waldo Cumming and President of the Kiwanis Port Arthur Club Doug Logan. BANNER PRESENTATION AT KIWANIS MEETING Delagates from the Port Arthur - Fort William Kiwanis Club were in Terrace Bay Tuesday evening to attend the regular dinner meeting of the Local Kiwanis Club. Welcomed by President Bob Hale, the delegation included Roy Gunn,Governor of the Western Canada _ District and a member of the Port Arthur - Fort William Club; Waldo Cummings Lieutenant- Governor Division 1 and a member of the Kiwanis Club of Atikokan, Doug Logan, President of the Kiwanis Port Arthur - Fort William, and his Vice Presiliént Jack Kirkup, Murray Babe, mem- ber of the Kiwanis Port Arthur - - Fort William ; u er hot ART CLUB NEWS The Terrace Bay Art Club held their business meeting last Thursday evening in the Arts Centre with a good attendance, fn rm VETHO Q ACROSS _--3. One 24. Put SESE : 1. Borders tS pooepear - IClOIMIA Ma UIRIGIE| Plans were discussed regarding painting eee: eee clothed POR ALAC Ea sessions for the balance of November, with - Raniny - phen: ' 25. aa " members asked to bring canvas and equipment four aiitein <5 eek ck for a Still Life Painting. or ete 8. Weird: a6. Seine The Secretary read a letter from The Com 0. var. 5 ° - 18. Ateading 9, Fold over a munity Programs Bfanch regarding a course on material 11. Cereal stract design for craftsmen, This course includes ens eae. vaiaisiee Marathon, Schreiber and Terrace Bay Clubs, and Island: poet. 32. Large 37. Foot it was decided this course would be held at abbr. 18. Guy- Tropes recreation , covering the convenience of the Instructor, More details later .. areas 33. Land pheasants 20, Head measures 39, Silkworm 18. Stairs covering 34, Revolve 41. Half ems 20, Container 21. Cuckoo 35. Exchange 43. Cryofa MINOR HOCKEY NEWS 23. Paradise 22. Soak flax remium crow a meer aren amare ; 27, Close to: : The new Minor Hockey executive for the 1964 poet. 28, Bat away 65 season was elected at a meeting last week with the following results: Presddent -- M, Newell, Vice-President - E, Boucher, Secretary K.A. MacLeod, Treasurer - F, Sechesky, Past President - E. Kettle, Referee-in-Chief - B, Hanley, Publicity - E. Kettle. In addition to the other business discussed appointments were made for divisional chairman and coaches. These are listed below: - Fly- weights - P. Diduch, Atoms - L. Legault, Pee- Wee House League - S. Zwaresh, Pee Wee Allstars PATTI VEIT LY ey FT a TALL VUOREEZZ AAG pe A rE EEL eet | BL ee | de THe Vs "40. Man's name 42. A pigment earth 44. Move furtively 45. A native of J. Papousek, Bantams -- M. Newell, Midgets - C, xerzatna™ YT | P| | xsaoay. These people will be drawing up lists of teams and schedules this week and copies will be posted on the bulletin boards at the schools and Recreation Centre. (Continued on Page 5) et gt et bebted tg bbl | DIIS'Ar iii Y