October ist, 1964, THE NEWS Page 5 PREVENTION 7-. WEEK oer i. can be of greatest service by preventing your fire . instead of oy aaa it! .b y helping you $6 become aware of fire hazards in your home and on your job before they become fire emergencies. YouR hele, isn 4|5|6|7|s{9i10 [20] 21 Je2e|23] 24 5/26/27 /28/29 30/3! Publicx Enemy = Nol- stamp itout/ Take Time for home fire prevention Check Around the STOVE-- ELECTRICAL OUTLETS APPLIANCES HEATING SYSTEM GARAGE- ATTIC WINDows DooRs Look at your ASHTRAYS Are they large enough? . at ane to Prevent cigarettes from rolli ing out? How about those stacks of Magazines, old Clothes, furniture, toys, etc must you keep them? They'rea breeding place and fuel for a FIRE! On Call--\24 hours of every day TERRACE BAY FIRE DEPT. _ Bnercency 3 3222 R. Hofland, CHieF Business 9554