ART CLUB NEWS, There will be a Business Meeting on Thursday, October Ist, at 8:00 P.M., in the Art Centre (old curling lounge). Refreshments will be served. Fall fees are now due. Anyone interested in landscape sketching classes to begin October 3rd, please come to the Thursday meeting if possible to get a list of necessary art supplies, which may be purchased from Don's Pain- ting and Decorating. The sketch class will meet at 1:30 P.M. in the Art Centre, on Saturday afternoon. CERAMICS CLASSES BEGIN MONDAY, SEPT. 28th, at the ART CENTRE, from 7 - 9 P.M. Ba ACROSS elalale et feta 1, Coffee 5. Siouan Indian 9. A peer 10. Storms 12. Across 13. Summarize 14. Rouses 16. Greek letter 17. Strike 2. God of war 3. Fortified places 4, Half an ent 5. Brittle 6. Large roofing slate 7. S-shaped molding 8.Ina ICTEIS | SIE FE |SBATIE|SIS| 18. Boy's nickname 19. Past 22. Type measure 23. Comb, as wool 25. Slacken 27. Dexterity 28. "Buffalo Bill' ---- 31. Part of "to b e"" 82. A token 34. Christmas month: abbr. 36. Farm westward direction 9. To cut short, as hair 11. Lower part ofa haystack 13. Unit of weight 15. Holm oak 21, 23. 24. 26. Affirma- tive vote 27. Pudding 29. Nuclei of starch grain 32. Revolves African kingdom 35. Enclosure 37. '49er's dream 38. Robust 39. Pigpen 41. Not high 44. Bachelor of Medicine: abbr. a | Tr a lr ee Sd ee ee cla ee oy Ae Hote ie imple- ments: var. WEL A "Te chee Rated el nade) Ete re eT ae ek Ld Pe ek La 45. Coniferous shrubs 46. Manufac- COREA Ree: Specials NABOB COFFEE eH only 79¢ PLUS - 45¢ COUPON IN EVERY PACKAGE Is SAFETY MONTH CATHOLIC GIRLS' CLUB MEET ~~ The first meeting this fall of the Catholic Girls' Club took place at 7:00 P.M. in St. Martin's Church on September 20th, preceded by the recitation of the Rosary in the Church. Election of officers for the coming year took place with the following to serve: President, A. Belliveau; Vice~ Pres. - S. Lemay, Secretary, M. Mousseau; Treasurer, L. M. Boudreau; Membership, C. Gaudet; Lunch, C. Belliveau; Press, L. Dakin. Many new members were welcomed and Dean Gallagher then spoke to the girls and gave them a short religious instruction. The project for that evening was wrappping Catholic literature to be sent to the foreign missions. The members were advised of their work for the coming Bazaar and also to bring along the empty salt boxes for the next meeting to be made into toys for the mission in Qualan. The Constitution of the Catholic Girls' Club was read and the meeting closed with the Father's blessing. NOTE: We are repeating this advertisement (shown below) which appeared last week Due to a fault in the printing in some of the issues it was illegible. LAKEHEAD COLLEGE OF ARTS, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 1964/65 Extension Centre at: TERRACE BAY Course: English laé: General Survey of English Literature from Medieval to Modern Times . Instructor: Soke MacGillivray, B.S., M.A., (New Brunswick), Department of English. Course Prerequisite: None Fees: $85.00 Registration: This course is open to anyone interested. Those taking it for degree credit must fulfill the College entrance requirements. An outline of these may be obtained from The Registrar, Lakehead College of Arts, Science and Technology, Oliver Road, Port Arthur. To enrol, send name, 'address, telephone number, name of course, cheque for fees in full (which may be postdated to the end of the month) and details of pre- vious University work, if any, to the Registrar. The time and place of the first meeting will be announced. Lectures will be in the evenings and/or Saturdays. This course may be withdrawn if the registration is insufficient to warrant its being given. For further information write to the Registrar, Lakehead College of Arts, Science and Technology, Oliver Road, Port Arthur, or contact: Mr. K. MacLeod, Terrace Bay Public School, TERRACE BAY, ONTARIO,