os,ec |st, 1964 mo REN Enno renee peewee nee ees een | PARENT - TEACHERS MEET (cont'd from front page Mr. & Mrs, B. Sinfield of Revelstoke are the donated by E.G, Caccamo, Plans were made to purchase a trophy for th school field competitions. Father Cano gave an interesting talk on Na- tural Law and the Law of the Church, Following. the meeting, lunch was served by Mrs, T. Borutski's committee. HERE AND THERE Diane Peterson's mother, Mrs. R. Peterson, and her sisters Mrs. R, Yeomans and Mrs. A. Wicstrom, of Port Arthur were here to attend the high school commencement. Very proud in- deed to see Diane receive two scholarships, each of $100.00, one from the board of trustee and the other from the Catholic Women's League The ladies were the guests of Mrs. R. Pitkanen another sister. Mrs. A. Gervais of Chapleau has been visit- ing her sister,Mrs. B. Parasis & recently they went to Fort William to see their parents who are hospitalized. . Mr. & Mrs. B. Farrell of Kingston and S, Wilson of Marathon are the guest of Mr. & Mrs. B, Simon. T. Paradis is attending Selkirk High School this year again, Mrs. N.A. McCuaig, Mrs. W.S. Furlonger and Mr. L.R. McCuaig attended the Ontario Tubercu- losis Association. Regional Meeting, held in the Prince Arthur Hotel (Port Arthur) last week, Mr. J. Handel, N. Ross, and J. Ridsdale at- tended the indocrination in the Lakehead recen tly.They also attended the zone meeting for districts, two and five. Mrs. B. Holland was welcomed home last we- ek to convalesce after surgery, in the home of her daughter, Mrs. G. Guina. A very happy meeting took place recently, when Mr. & Mrs.C. Bowles, of Detroit visited old friends here and met with Roy Bailey who had been the best man at their wedding 54 year ago. Mrs. Bruce Lidkea convened a suceessful coffee and bake sale of the L.A. to the Can, Legion, on Wednesday September 23rd. Assist- ing Mrs. Lidkea were Mesdames, L. Hiller, B, | Lidkea, B. Wood, H, Costall, A.C. Riselsford, N. McCuaig, and W. Ibey. Mr. & Mrs, Cornell Sr. of Fort William A854 ted this week with Dr. J.M. Cornell. Mr. & Mrs. 0. Schleicher of Sudbury vidites | her mother, Mrs. E, OfConnor this week. D. OfDriscoll drove back to Toronto with B, Lidkea and G. Boon who had been home visiting their parents. Mr. & Mrs. I. Pease of Toronto visited J.L. Sawyer and family recently. Mr. & Mrs. B. Gray are holidaying in Edmon- ton and Vancouver. Mrs. W. Simon was the guest of Mr. & Mrs. A.B, Coghlan in Port Arthur. Mr, & Mrs. W.G. Furlonger are in Winnipeg visiting with Mr. & Mrs. L. Furlonger. Friends of Mrs. D. Gilaland learned with re gret of ker death in Sudbury on Sept. 15th. Mr. & Mrs. L. Popkey of Pembroke visited their cousins, Mr. & Mrs. H. Fisher, Mr. &Mrs G, Fisher Fisher recently. D. Furlonger and R. Hamilton recently visit ed the Lakehead. of Toronto Maple Leafs training camp at Peterboro. Pog as guests of Mr. & Mrs. B. Kenny, Mrs. Sinfield a sister of Mr, Kenny's Friends of Miss Marie Cebrario arranged an open shower tea in her honor to be held in the Guild Hall on Sept, 29th at 8:00 P.M. Mr. & Mrs. C. Welbourne of Vancouver visit- ed their uncle and aunt, Mr. & Mrs. H., Welborn enroute home from Ottawa last week. H, Thomas of Deep River visited old friends here this week. Mrs. H, Marshall of Port Arthur has been visiting her cousins, Mr. & Mrs. I. West. Mr. & Mrs. N. Bottomley have moved into their new home on Manitoba Street, Ladies Bowling League will hold their or- ganization meeting at 2:00 P.M. Sunday Oct.4 in the Y.M.C.A. Committee Room, Others wishing to join, may give their names tc Miss B. McBride. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Davis left for Miami whe Mr. Davis will attend Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen meeting as local delegate. Mr. and Mrs. G. Fecteau, Port Arthur have been visiting H. Hart and son Robin. Mr, and Mrs. J.J. Johnson spent their vaca tion in the Winnipeg area, Mrs. J. Lafoley has returned home to Otta after visiting her brother-in-law and sister Mr. & Mrs. F,. Funmerton, Mrs. C,. Todesco, Rossport is a supply tea- cher with Holy Angels* school staff. Mrs. J. Walsh is making her home with her son George and family. Mrs. C. Cardiff, Toronto, is visiting her son Dudley Cardiff and family. TION BANQUET HELD The Dean McHugh Circle of the Columbian Squires held their initiation banquet, Sun- day evening in the Guild Hall. The fathers of new candidates were invited along with the regular members of the Circle . Councellors of the circle Rev. J.M. Cano, J.T. Power and H.J. McParland along with officers of the Knights of Columbus, M.J. Nicol and J.P. G spoke to the members. The initiation for the new members was hel in Holy Angels School last Monday. Members of the initiation team were: R. Chicdire, L. Power, J. McGrath, T. McParland, J. McParland J. Scott, T. McGrath and D. McParland. The following were initiated: Larry Kusik, Paddy@Stanley, Spadoni, C. Commisso and D,. Moorey. SOCIAL NEWS (TERRACE BAY) (Cont'd from Pg.8) On behalf of friends, Mrs. Chadney presented the guest of honor with crystal salt and pepper shakers, matching tray and a silver casserole. And lastly in honor of the two departees, Susan and Alice , Helen Farrell entertained at a Bridge when a hostess gift was presented to both ladies. The L. Auxiliary will meet on Monday, October Sth,-in the Community Church at 8:15 P.M. As the program will be on Stained Glass Windows, the meeting will be held in, the Sanctuary Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Dan MacFadyen who celebrated their Thirtieth Wedding Anniversary. E. Kettle returned from a trip east being the guest