ITERRACE BAY [COMMUNITY CHURCH - Rev. T.Garnett Husser 9.30 A.M. - MORNING WORSHIP - All visitors are welcome? ST.MARTIN'S CHURCH -- Rev.Dean E.A,Gallagher Saturday - Confessions 3-4 P.M. and 7-8 P.M. SUNDAY MASSES - 8.15 A.M., 10 A.M., and 4.45 P.M. During the week Masses are at 7.45 A.M. and Saturday Mass at 9.00 A.M... ROSS PORT ST. JOHN BERCHMAN'S CHURCH Mass every Monday at 7.00 P.M. GOSPEL MISSION Sunday School at 2 P.M. every Sunday PORT UNION CHURCH 3.00 P.M. - Church Service -- first Sunday of the month, SWIM CLASSES ' People taking part in the swim instruction classes are reminded that it is extremely im-. tant that they attend all sessions re, ~ ess of weather, as final tests will be soon. Tests for the pre-Red Cross classes will be held the early part of next week. Tests for Red Cross classes and Royal Life classes will be held on Tuesday or Wednesday of next week. Check with the instructor for definite times. This will be the last opportunity to pass. | tests this season. JUNIOR G ULTS Last Saturday's Junior Bowling results are | as follows:- lst - Northern Dancers - 1881. 2nd - Rat Finks - 1441. 3rd -- Beat-Niks - ; 1265. The high single bowler was Philip Comeau with a score of 236, and a high 3-game total of 580. : Standings to date are:- lst place - Beat- Niks, 2nd place - Northern Dancers, 3rd place Rat Finks, 4th place - Kassabs. DURIES TROPHY SELECTION Local swimmers are reminded that selection | of this year's winner of the Duriesz Trophy, | emblematic of Terrace Bay's top all-round | Swimmer, is now being made. The judging rules are set up so that any swimmer of any age group could be the winner. This means that | your performance in swim classes, at the Pool, | and in the Swim Meet could have great effect fon the final decision. ; Announcement of the winner and presentation will be made at the Awards Night on August 28. Eas ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE C i] SCHREIBER 11.00 A.M. --- MORNING WORSHIP - ST.ANDREWS UNITED CHURCH - Rev. D.F.Muldrew 11.00 A.M, - MORNING WORSHIP - Rev. T.Garnett Husser of Terrace Bay will be in charge of the Service. HOLY ANGELS CHURCH - Rev. J. M. Cano, P.P. Daily Mass - .8.00 A.M. Saturday Mass - 9.00 A.M, SUNDAY MASSES - 8-9.30 and 11.00 A.M, Confessions - Saturday 7.00 to 8.30 P.M. EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN .CHURCH 10.00 A.M. - MORNING SERVICE - Prof. Arthur' E. Graff of Springfield, Illinois, will be in charge of the Service. PEL MISSION - Mr. Ron Sheffield - 11.00 A.M. -- Family Hour 7.00 P.M. - Gospel Bible Hour 7.00 P.M. -- Prayer Meeting ts AWARDS NIGHT -- AUGUST 28TH The annual Summer Awards Night and Play- ground Display will be held in the High School Auditorium at 7 p.m., Friday, Awust 28th. The programme will consist of a display of layground arts and crafts, entertainment pro- Fided by the playground children, preseatés: tion of all summer awards including Beginners swim classes, Red Cross swim classes, Royal Life swim classes, artificial respiration -- classes, Swim Meet awards, baseball champion- | ship awards, and physical fitness test awards. Presentation will also be made to Junior and Senior Playground Champions in both boys and girls divisions. Don't miss this big event. It is your opportunity to participate in an exciting evening and also to show the boys and girls, coaches and instructors, that you are behind the Summer Programme of activities that they have helped to provide. GOLF NEWS Please take note that all members are re- quired to carry their membership cards. . Per- sons will be spot checked when signing in, and anyone without membership cards will be required to pay green fees. Carry your card and avoid any dispute. 'We have a club golf tournament coming up in September (date to be announced later). 'This will be worked out on a handicap basis. Men's Tournament will be on a Saturday and Ladies* on Sunday. Please turn in at least four or five score cards, starting now, so that your handicap can be worked out. The bex for cards is at the door of the Club~ house on the right hand side when entering. Entry fee will also be announced at a late date. Plans are also being made for a (Cont'd P.4