Page 14 HIGH SCHOOL PROMOTION RESULTS Promotions to Gr. 10 in the Schreiber High School are as follows: Barbara R. Arnold, David Burroughs, Tom Collinson, Wm. Duncan, Janice Fournier, Rona Godin, Susan M. Kragero, Ina Macadam, Jeanne McCuaig, Mary E. McGrath, Dennis McParland, Lise Ouelette, Carl Pearson, Larry Power, Tom Relph, Sharon Riley, Cosimo Speziale, Niel Valentino. Alene Bedard, Howard Bryar, Jas. Bryson, Gisele Chicoine, Sandra Clemens, Jo-Anne M. Comeau, Anna Figliomeni, Lorraine M. Fournier, Paul A. Gauthier, Albert Huard, David P. Leisander, Ken Martinsen, Jno. P. McGrath, Thos. McGrath, Elizabeth Morris, Sean Paradis, Pavalo Pellegrino, Betty Reid, Carlo Spadoni, Deborah Stewart, Wm. Webb and Roxane Hill. To Gr. 11 = Brian A. Bailey, Kenny M. Borutski, Billy A. Cocks, Sherry L. Condie, Terry D. Condie, Janet A. Cornell, Mantell J. Cosgrove, Patrick O. Duggan, Brian Duncan, Jas. Figliomeni, Mary E. Gerow, Lawrence L. Guillet, Melba J. Harten, Muriel R.A. Holmes, Rose M. Huard, Sharon Jarva, Crystal C. Kusik, Georgette A. LeBlanc, Warren W. Morrill, Laura B. Morris, Doris M. Nesbitt, Anne A. Noonan, Charlotte E. Ross, Anna M. Spadoni, Patrick R. Spadoni, Lance D. Stewart, Daryl L. Wea ver, Sheila D. Weaver. To Gr. 12 = Richard J. Burroughs, Richard J. Chi- coine, Edith R. Clemens, Janet E. Clemens, Betty M. Comeau, Mona D'Amours, Jody L. Davis, Patsy A. Dimmery, Boyd G. Drake, Roger L. Fournier, Anna L. Fummerton, Ron Hamilton, Donna M. Labelle, Jerry E. Lesauvage, Wilfred McColeman, John J. Mc Parland, Philip A. Moorey, Diane Morgan, Roger Morgan, John P. Needham, John R. Nesbitt, Domini Pellegrino, John F. Ross, John Scott, Ray T. Small, Russell Smith, David Winters, Paula Hill . To Gr. B= Roy K. Davis, Judy M. D'Arcy, Gerald- ine F. Duggan, Jas. H. Gellert, Jack A. Gordon, Linda M. Handel, Sylvia J. Harness, Shirley D. Jar- tus, Marlene D. Jarva, Doran R. Kragero, Jas. R. Lesauvage, Pat A. McParland, Diane E. Rummery, John A. Small and Theordore W. Wilson. OCAL GROUP AT LEGION MEET (Cont'd) J. Finboggason, Russell Nesbitt and Paddy Duggan got 2nd in the Relay Race, while Mr. Woodrow also took fa second in the 120 yd. Hurdle and a 3rd in the Jave- 'lin Throw. The group was accompanied by Jack Finboggason and Bill Woodrow of the High School staff and Bill Fraser, Sports officer of the Schreiber Legion. RUBY REBEKAH LODGE MEETS (Cont'd) and Mrs.Susan Spicer, all old Lodge members. Mrs. J. Plummer and Mrs. F. Whent, both PNG's will attend the Assembly in Toronto as Scholar and representative respectively. Mrs. M. Slater will also attend. On behalf of the Lodge, Mrs. Agnes Bryson presen- ted a farewell gift to Mrs. Molly Parchem who is leaving for a new home in London, Ont. The treasurer's report was read by Mrs. J. Macadam THE NEWS ss 064 and the financial statement by Mrs. M. Gander. Mrs. N. Gray agreed to convene a Penny Auction following the next meeting. The lunch after this meeting was served by Mrs. Gander's committee. OFFICERS NAMED FOR CATHOLIC P.T.A. Mrs. 5. Chicoine was named president of the Catholic Parent-Teachers' Association at their reg- ular meeting on June 18th. Other officers for the coming year are Vice-Pres. W. Stefurak, Sec. Mrs. D. McGuire, Treas. Mrs. L. Tremblay, Parent- Teacher Councillors Mesdames A. Moorey & D. Figliomeni, Executive Mesdames J. Caccamo, A. Bourguignon, M. Ryan, W. Mullins and R. Des- moulins. Rev. Sister Frances Joseph thanked the group for their assistance in various ways during the past two ij years. School closing exercises were announced for 8 P.M. Wednesday, June 24th, in the school auditorium. Sister Frances Joseph also stated there will be a Mass at 9.15 on that morning for graduates, and their parents. The attendance prize was won by Mrs. D. Fig- liomeni's room. Mary McGrath's ticket on a sweater being raffled was the lucky one drawn by Sister Ed- wina. Treas. Mrs. A. Bourguignon said a copy of the High School Year Book had been received. Minutes and correspondence were read by Mrs. W. Mullins and R.C.Campbell presided for the meeting. Miss Edna McColeman of Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. is visiting her mother and brother Archie and family. High School cadets leaving on June 29th for sum- mer training are Richard Chicoine & Boyd Drake to Picton, Tom Collinson, Jody Davis, Alex & Paul Gauthier, Cosimo Speziale, Dan Riley, Sean Paradis Larry Power and Eric Handel to Ipperwash. Wayne Thompson of Sudbury is visiting his aunt & uncle, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Crawley. lan Macadam is going to spend the summer with the Junior Forest Rangers at Whitney, while Jerry Le- sauvage will be with the same Dept. in Pembroke. Mrs. J.P. Gagnon is in Terrace Bay Hospital and will go to the Lakehead for further treatment. A.B.(Muggs) McCuaig was entertained recently when, in a copy of his old home paper, he noted a school report of 75 years ago where his brothers Ken- neth & Thomson, had passed with honors in school . Mr. & Mrs. B. Lidkea have returned from a holiday in Kenora. Mr. & Mrs. |. West are visiting relatives in Sand Point and adjacent centres. A group of 25 friends from both Schreiber and Ter- race Bay gave Mrs. W. Kushnieryk a baby shower in the home of Mrs. W. Chatterson with Mesdames W. Kinney and G. Madigan as co-hostesses. When the many lovely gifts were presented a special note of excitement was added with the inclusion of one from Mrs. Ralph Miller in New Zealand. Phil Moorey and John Small will spend the summer with the Forestry Dept. at Pays Plat while Paddy Duc garr-will be in the Quetico Park area. D'Arcy Fur~ longer, Carl Pearson, Russell Nesbitt are with CF /