THE LOGGING MEETING PLANNED FOR JUNE About 250 delegates are expected to attend a log- ging field meeting which will be held in the Fort William area from June 24-26. The meeting is sponsored jointly by the Woodlands Section of the Canadian Pulp and Paper Association, and the Lake States Technical Committee of the American Pulpwood Association. It will be held on ° the limits of the Great Lakes Paper Company, Limited about fifty miles from Fort William. Headquarters for the event will be the Uptown Motor Hotel, in Fort William. Delegates to the meeting are expected from all parts of Canada, and some from the United States. Most will be professional foresters from the forest products industries, equipment manufacturers, univer- sities, and governments. They will represent all the various aspects involved in harvesting pulpwood to feed the mills of Canada's leading manufacturing industry, pulp and paper. The main feature of the meeting will comprise a demonstration of some of the new wood harvesting and processing machines which are transforming forest operations in eastern Canada. These machines, some of which conduct more than one of the various tasks involved in logging, will be seen under actual opera- ting conditions. Most of the delegates are expected to arrive in Ft. William on Tuesday, June 23. The sessions in the field will be held throughout Wednesday, June 24 and Thursday, June 25, and the meeting will conclude with a technical session on Friday morning at the Uptown Hotel . SOCIAL & PERSONAL Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Alfarano of Sudbury brought their daughter Assunta to meet the family and re- lations of her fiance, Jimmy Speziale. Jim's parents, Mr. & Mrs. Guiseppi Speziale, entertained on Sun- , day at a dinner party for sixty in honor of the young couple. Others coming from distant points were Nick Cosimo, Peter and Joe Alfarano, Assunta's brothers; Jim, Joe and Vincenzo Commisso, Mr. & Mrs. Joe Figliomeni and Tony Costa, all of Toronto. Mrs. Arthur Brown of Ft. William is visiting her daughter Mrs. Alec Gordon and family. Dominic Diano is in the Terrace Bay Hospital . Mr. & Mrs. Gary Drake were in Ft. William to attend the McKellar Hospital ceremonies when their neice, Mary Hodder, graduated in this year's class. Bill Madigan of Chapleau visited his sister here last week. Mr. & Mrs. Joe Campbell were pleasantly surprised recently to have a visit from Miss Frances Guthro of Sydney Mines, Cape Breton, a cousin whom Joe had not met for thirty five years. Carol Holmes, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Chas. Hol- mes, was Silver medalist in St. Joseph's Hospital graduating class this year. Attending the various functions of the graduation were Mr. & Mrs. Holmes, Mervyn & Muriel, Mesdames C. Pearson & D. Mc- Lellan, Mr. & Mrs. T. Whent & Neil, Mrs. H. Shack & Harold, Mr. & Mrs. J. McCuaig and Mr. and Mrs. C. Duggan. NEWS BOWLING BANQUET (Continued from front page) Perfect attendance prizes went to Carole Lalonde, Myra Holmes, Jean Tremblay, Retta Pearson, Etta Gray, Pat Cook, Bea McBride, Alice McCouan and Kay Furyk. Mrg. Bryson spoke briefly, mentioning the many years the league has functioned and re- calling former players. She promised to bowl a frame some night and said she felt that keeping the officers for two year terms was an excellent idea. REBEKAH MEETING (Continued from page 13) announced degree practice in preparation for initiation on June 10. Mrs. Jean Plummer volunteered to convene the social hour that night. Notes of appreciation were received from Mesdames L.Wilson, A.Sinkins and B.Ridsdale. Routine business was conducted and Mrs. McCanna asked membersto support the CPGT Bingo on June 15th. ARCHBISHOP WRIGHT HERE JUNE 17TH Archbishop Wn. L. Wright, D.D., D.C.L., and Metropolitan of Ontario will be in Schreiber on Wednesday, June 17th to officiate at the Rites of Confirmation being held in St. John's Anglican Church, Schreiber, at 8.30 P.M. LIONS PARADE IN LAKEHEAD, JUNE 14TH A spectacle of interest to citizens of Schreiber and Terrace Bay who happen to be in the Lakehead on Sunday, June 14th, will be the District Convention Paradeoof Lions Inter national. The parade will be held in Port Arthur af 1.30 P.M. and immediately after in Fort William. It will be approximately two miles long and will take almost an hour to pass any one point. Thirty-one bands will participate with 1,749 bandsmen, 8 marching units, 2 Scooter Drill teams, 5 Majorette units, 30.convertibles, 30 floats and a group of horses. The incoming President of the Schreiber Lions Club, Lion Jack Handel, will be in one of the convertibles with Schreiber's Teen Queen, Miss Daryl Lynn Weaver. Plan to see this parade if you are in the Lakehead this coming weekend. It is reported to be the biggest parade and convention ever held at the Head of the Lakes, Walter Wilkes and J.Jolicoeur (Lions Club Pres | are shown taping bikes - an annual project. Photo by Inez McCuaig