Page 2 THE ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE TERRACE BAY Q ° MMUNITY CHURCH - Rev. T. Garnett Husser 9.00 A.M. --- Sunday' School - Grade 2 to 5 9.45 A.M. - Sunday School - Grades 6 and up 11.00 A.M. - Sunday School - pre-school & Gr.1 11.00 A.M. -- MORNING WORSHIP - "The Order of St.Andrew* The Pre-School and Grade 1 Sunday School will recess for the summer months after this week and the C.G.1.T. will hold their last meeting before the summer recess this Wednes- | day. ST.MARTIN'S CHURCH - Rev.Dean E.A.Gallagher Saturday - Confessions 3-4 P.M. and 7-8 P.M. SUNDAY MASSES - 8.15 A.M., 10 A.M. and 4.45 P.M. During the week Masses are at 7.45 A.M. and Saturday Mass at 9.00 A.M. ROSSPORT ST.JOHN BERCHMAN'S CHURCH Mass every Monday evening at 7.00 P.M. GOSPEL MISSION Sunday School at 2 P.M. every Sunday ROSSPORT_ UNION CHURCH 3.00 P.M. - Church Service - first Sunday of Ores HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY TO SELL BEDDING PLANTS The Horticultural Society have made arrange ments with all concerned to have a truck load of bedding plants arrive in Terrace Bay on June 8th for sale to all residents of the Town for one day only. Your planning and co-opera- tion will insure this project for future years It will be set up as an open market for you to purchase as you wish. A great number of ladies from Terrace Bay attended the Catholic Women's League Conven- tion held in Schreiber recently. During the Convention, their President, Mrs. F.A.Helmink, had the honor to be elected First Vice Presi- dent of the Diocesan Board. Sympathy is extended to Annie Erickson and Rose Garriock on the sudden passing of their Father, Mr. Fred Fedyk Sr., in Keewatin. Donald Farrow is home for the summer with his wife Annette and his parents, Mr.and Mrs. A.Farrow. Donald has completed his term at Lakehead Teacher's College and will teach in Sault Ste.Marie next Fall. Audrey Verschsure of Winnipeg was a recent visitor with her sister Gertrude Cotton and family. Mr.and Mrs. H.McLellan of Pt.Arthur visited their daughter Jan Hall and family recently. Wendy Duncan, a Port Arthur Collegiate stu- dent, was a recent visitor at the home of her parents, Mr.& Mrs. J.Duncan. ST. JOHN*S ANGLICAN CHURCH -- Rev. 'R. J.S.Inshaw 8.30 A.M. --- Holy Commnion 9.45 A.M. - Church School 11.00 A.M. - Matins or Holy Communion 5.00 P.M. -- Evensong and Confirmation Classes ST.ANDREWS UNITED CHURCH - Rev, D.F.Muldrew .11.00 A.M. -- Junior Church in basement HOLY ANGELS CHURCH - Rev. J.M.Cano Daily Mass - 7.30 A.M. Saturday Mass - 9.00 A.M. Confessions - Saturday 4.30, 5.30, 7 - 8.30 Confessions - Daily - before all Masses Sunday Masses - 8.30, 9.30 and 11.00 A.M. GOSPEL MISSION - Mr. Ron Sheffield sree tives in the district. NEWS SCHRETBER 9745 A.M. - Church School 11.00 A.M. --- MORNING WORSHIP EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH - Rev. F.J.Kaija 10.00 A.M. -- Sunday School 7.00 P.M. -- E vening Service - 2nd and 4th Sunday. Bible Study on Friday following Sun- day Service - Bible Study on Friday. Sunday - 11.00 A.M, - Family Hour -~ 7.00 P.M. - Gospel Bible Hour Wednesday - 7.00 P.M. - Prayer Meeting Mr.& Mrs.W.Anderson and daughter were gues of Mr.& Mrs.K.Hutchy son in Kapuskasing recent- ly. Mrs.M.Storey accompanied them to Kapus- kasing and will visit with friends and rela- Bill Garvin is home for the summer with his parents, Mr.and Mrs.J.Garvin. Bill was a student at the University of Manitoba last te Gayle and Dale Willoughby and sons of Fort William were recent visitors with her parents, Mr.and Mrs. Reg.Cotton. Mr.and Mrs. John Griffith and son, of Sault Ste.Marie, were holiday weekend visitors at the home of her parents, Dr.amd Mrs. M. McCausland. On Saturday, May 23rd, the women members of the staff of the Terrace Bay Public School motored to Schreiber to attend the Spring: Meeting of the North Shore Association of F.W.T.A.0. They heard and discussed reports of the Dryden Spring Assembly and the Toronto Annual meeting. Mrs. Phyllis West accepted the office of President and Mrs.Dora Trach became Secretary- Treasurer. Mrs.Beulah Bacon, Marathon, was nominated Vice-President. At noon a luncheon was served by the Schreiber Hostesses. SATURDAY 'S FILM SHOW This Saturday's film show features "Ma and Pa Kettle At Waikiki". Doors open at 6.30 P.M. -- show commences at 6.45. There are only two more showings before the end of the season so let's have good turnouts.