« April 30, 1964 THE BAND Contest Arena--Maey TWO SESSIONS $1.00 per Afterncon'- 1 P.M. to5 P.M. 2ession - 8 P.M. to 12 Midnight EVERYONE WELCOME Evening ey ner -- Fer, McLeod or at the door. Sponsored by Terrace Bay Teen Town CURLING CLUB NEWS The executive of the Curling Club have set 7:30 p.m. Friday evening, May lst as the time for the spring semi-annual meeting -in the club lounge. Committee reports and the financial statement for the year will be presented. This is also the time for the election of officers for the 1964-65 curling season, All curling club members are urged to attend to support their candidates. The final banquet and dance of the curling season will take place in the Moose Hall on Saturday, May 8th. The presentation of club awards shall take place at this time. The banquet will be followed by the dance. Tickets may be obtained by contacting Art Reynolds, Jack Caccamo or your skip. ATTENTION LADY CURLERS All members of the Terrace Bay Ladies Curling Club are reminded of the Annual Meeting at 8:00 p.m. sharp, Curling Club Lounge, April 30th. Election of officers for coming season and other important items of business are on the agenda. A social evening will follow with distribution of runner- up and other prizes won throughout the year. Remember Thursday, April 30th, 8:00 p.m. HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY NOTES Members are reminded to pick up their premium from Mrs. A. Connors, 22 Selkirk Avenue. Order your fer- tilizer NOW. Deadline for ordering is April 30th. FISH AND GAME ASSOCIATION The Annual meeting will be held at the Recreation Centre, small room, on May llth, at 7:30 p.m. HUNTERS SAFETY CLASSES The first instruction class will be at the Rec. Centre, in the small room, on Friday, May lst, at 7:00 pem. until 9:00 p.m. TERRACE BAY ART CLUB HOLDS WORKSHOP Mrs. Peg Boal of Fort William conducted a highly successful week-end workshop. Saturday afternoon was spent in outdoor sketching and painting in oils and watercolours, Saturday evening the class did figure Studies and a portrait study. All day Sunday was spent at the River mouth painting with Mrs. Boal giving a talk on the silk screen course recently conducted at Quetico and the Lakehead. Samples of various silk screen methods were shown, Following this, Mrs. Boal demonstrated water colour techniques. The May 22nd - 24th week-end course is to be con- ducted by Mr. John Watson of Toronto. Anyone who wishes to assist with painting backdrops please get in touch with Mrs. Middaugh or Mrs. Gaulin. This Thursday evening will be devoted to painting backdrops in the Old Curling Lounge at 8 p.m. NORTH SHORE BADMINTON CHAMPIONSHIPS (Cont'd from Pg. 1) Terrace Bay award winners were: June Linton and Marion Ward, - Ladies' Doubles - runner-up: Bill Hanley and Cliff Knauff - Men's Doubles, Consolation Winners: Marion Ward and Ken Ward - Mixed Doubles --- runner-up: Marion Ward - Ladies' Singles, Consolation Winner: Cliff Linton and Ken Ward - Ments Doubles -- runner-up. The Championships will be held in Terrace Bay next year, with Cliff Linton elected as Tournament Chairman, Tickets are available from Owen Tur- White Elehpant Sale SCHREIBER-MAY 2 ND TOWN HALL: FOR PICKUP PHONE:- Terrace Bay-Bill Jones 3661 Schreiber-H.McCanna 305 NEWS Sponsored by the C.P.& T. Humanitarian Service. GUN_CLUB_NEWS With over twenty enthusiasts in attendance, the Terrace Bay Gun Club was formed on Monday night and executive elected. Officers for the coming year are as follows:- Pres. - R. Downey, V. Pres. - C. Dimmery, Sec. Treas. - P, Magi, Mémbership - R. Cole and R. Burton. The club will engage in many forms of gun activity, including skeet shooting, pistol target shooting. A range site is now being investigated and club rules and constitutions formed. New members are welcomed. contact one of the above. EE MEN'S FASTBALL eas FORM YOUR TEAM AND ENTER NOW. If everyone gets "on the ball™ NOW, we should be playing in two weeks. DON'T DELAY 32 Teams are entered on a first contact basis and it's up to YOU to form your team. After last year's successful season. fastball growing. AS WE SEE IT Someone recently handed us a copy of a 1963 Market Survey on Northwestern Ontario. The survey makes interesting reading with a particular appeal to business executives and, of course, an invitation to new business to establish in the area outlined. We find, however,. that although Terrace Bay may be anon- ymously included in the "value of construction'charts" = "the square miles" indicated = "the population" - "the business ac- tivity (and payrolls)" etc., on the maps printed and in the "Sta- tistics on major cities and towns in Northwestern Ontario" our town is among the missing. Those listed include at least five whose population is imilar or less than that of Terrace Bay. No doubt our active Chamber of Commerce group will be in- terested in this omission. If you are interested, Let's keep An egotist is not a man who thinks too much of himself; he is a man who thinks too little of other people. - Joseph Fort Newton SPRING CLEAN UP SERVICE Sponsored by TERRACE BAY TEEN TOWN STORM WINDOWS REMOVED YARDS RAKED GRASS CUT IF YOU HAVE ANY SPRING CLEANING JOB YOU NEED DONE JUST PHONE ... Owen or Lorne Turner at 3356 - Fern McLeod at 3246 or Bruce Lundb erg at 3698