'March 19 , 1964 TERRACE BAY NEWS Box 579, Terrace Bay, Ontario. Published weekly each Thursday. Circulation, Terrace Bay, Schreiber and district. Deadline for advertisements is NOON Each Monday - other items Tuesday Noon. Office Phone 3747. Authorized as second class mail by the Post Office Department, Ottawa, for payment of postage in cash. Classified ads - Minimum charge 50¢ - (20 words and under) = Cards of Thanks = minimum charge $1 = (30 words and under). THE ee 205, Schreiber . FOR MERCURY OUPBOARD MOTORS = CREW AND CRESTLINER S AND TEE-NEE TRAILERS - CON TACT "ARNIPZO'KEEFE, SCHREIBER, Ph. 475 - REPRESENTING QUICK AUTO SERVICE, PORT ARTHUR. HORTICULTURAL NOTES = If you need fertilizer - place request early in March to avoid disappointment in May. Fertilizer sold at cost to members only. A. Farrow = Chairman. WANTED TO RENT - three-room self contained qpart- ment or small house a Dial 3851 after 4 P.M. LOST = child's Timex "Snow White' watch with red strap. Reward offered - Sheita St.Louis - [Ph. 3625. RECREATION CENTRE SNACK BAR SUPERVISOR Qualifications - Food mapdgement experience Starting wage "$4,300.00 - Standard Municipal Employ ee Benefits. Apply to: - Terrace Bay Recrea~ tion Association, Terrace Bay. HELP WANTED - Applications for the position of Librarian in the Schreiber Public Library will be Further information can ing 355. for numbers ponsored by the L. A. to Can.Legion - Branch 223 METS aa ee. eal Wu SECURITY '% eral INSURANCE AGENT & NOTARY PUBLIC PHONE = SCHREIBER 195 NEWS "S PHARMACY LTD. The Rexal& Drug Store TERRACE BAY, ONTARIO PHONE 825-3666 CARD OF THANKS - The C P & T Cofmittee of the Oddfellow and Rebekah Lodgds Wish to thank everyone for their support at the recent proj FOR SALE = large crib $15 .00 - Phone 3721. FIRE AUTO BRUCE SIMO HREIBER, PHONE 315 NOTARY PUBLIC CARD OF THANKS - eee LeBlanc wishes to thank her friends for theff many kindnesses to her and her family during her recent illness CARD OF THANKS = Oyr-sincere thanks to everyone who sent gifts, cards and flowers, or visited us while we were in Hospital . Mr and Mrs.Tom Whitton NOTICE - the Shower-Tea being arranged in honor of bride-elect Merla Woley will be held in Marian Burn's home on Monday, March 23rd instead of on Friday, March 20th. CARD OF THANKS = I wish ta thank all my friends, Rev, Father Cano, Rev: Father Gallagher and Rev. Muldrew = those who wer, kind and generous with Freebury and staff of the Mahon and staff of McKel lar Hospital ,4or their kindness, good wishes and care during my illness . ments will be served by the L A to the C anadian Legion, Branch 223.