we want new members The more members we get, the more people we can help. The more money they save, the more loans we can make. In fact, a credit union is jdst a good way for friends toJhelp each/other. That is why credit uniong are growing so fast. Vi d tha 'you are an owner of this credit unidén, bg€ause it has helped so many people. ft regularly, yourself. Send us all the ne mbers you can find! You can be pr OFFICE HOURS = Monday & Thursday 7 - 9 P.M. Friday Terrace Bay Community Phone 3833 Box 48 9-11A.M. Credit Union Limited Simcoe Plaza - Terrace Bay DRAW PRIZES GALORE AT HOCKEY GAMES (Cont'd Pg,8) you can win vouchers, grocery hampers, cash prizes, auto seat belts, a grease job and oil filter, twenty-eight pounds of drycleaning, a single burner camp stove or other prizes. BE SURE TO GET YOUR LUCKY PROGRAMMES EARLY AT THE WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY GAMES. These draws have been made possible by the fine support of the following businesses, for which the Superiors are sincerely grateful. Thunder Bay ©: BM SAL er LICKS ADULT MEMBER, reserved CHILDREN (School age) MEMBERS @ Box office opens at 7 P.M. ADULT af or standing of game. MARCH SAVINGS KRENA MEMBER, reserved seat or SIQINGIY! Soir 6 eos es ae, te) 61k: ©. OS 6 C28. 85 6 | vee Ore 8 COSTASS | - Terrace Bay - ae DR eg Phone 3513 CHICKEN BREASTS er ne te a ICO tins KING SIZE VALUES . HOCKEY DRAW PRIZES (CONTINUED) Terrace Bay Entefprises, Costa's Foodateria, Waghornts Drugs, Anford's Clothing, Robinson Stores, Caccamots Limited, Millway Motors, Circle Route Service, Island View Service, Kenmacts Tackle and The Coin Laundry. LET*S ALL BE AT THE GAMES.....cecece ho a as a le CURLING CLUB NEWS Danny Kenney, a first year skip, with brother Joey and Eddy, and Lyle Nicol, as lead, won the Terrace Bay Club Championship. At the present time the teams are playing a round-robin series to establish Division champions. Here are the standings at the end of regula tion play. "A" Division - Kenney - 197 Points Hamilton - 180, Knight - 150, Johnson - 148, MacDonald - 127 1/2, Gross - 121 1/2, Crockford - 117 points. "B". Division - McLeod - 115 1/2 Galvin - 114 1/2, Duquette - 112 1/2, Ostling 104 1/2, Chapman - 102 1/2, Sitch + 101, Reynolds - 92 points. "C" Division - Teniuk = | 92, Latour - 91, Koski - 91, Crawford - 90 1/2 Olsen - 81, Gusul - 81, Wellings ~ 18 points. Club members are reminded that the men's open bonspiel is taking place the second week in April. Skips are advised to get their entries in as early as possible in order to facilitate organizational problems. Wednesday - MARCH 18th - MARCH 19th Friday - MARCH 20th (if first 2 games are split) 2, 5O Thursday oro nOW Wisco Pre=game ticket sales at Recreation Office from 4 to 6 P.M. on days Season ticket holders may claim their seats up until game time.