THE NEWS BIS LOVELIN ee EVER HAPPEN TO YOU? KEEPING THE Dos FROM SEEING HIS PRESENT. 0 =ONE | ' | 2 AND ALL /4\\) Bhtom | as a DEALER ; O A | (e | BEAUTY & BARBER SHOP TERRACE BAY MOTOR HOTEL PHONE 3209 Oty SUNGTTeS PHONE 3268 - Terrace Bay O Laurier Ave. CHAMBER OF COMMFRCE REPORT (Cont'd from Pg. 2)|of the Department. He stated he would obtain The .. cally campaign was reported by { pertinent information and present it at the busi:.cssmen to be successful. next meeting. Membership Chairman L. Waghorn reported Concluding the meeting a movie from the nineteen paid up members. Letters to new and | Department of Travel and Publicity was shown prospective members would be mailed. by Mr. Colborne. The next meeting was President Cornthwaite remarked it was un- scheduled for January 16th, at the Old Curling fortunate more business people of the community] Club Lounge of the Recreation Centre. did not attend Chamber meetings since it was to --$--$--$ their advantage. He reported that tourist and | RECENT BRIDE HONORED reception letters were still being received, On December 30th, Mrs. Janet Jeanneret, and brought to the attention of members the nee Wills, was entertained at a supper in her work done by NODA and literature received. honor at the, Terrace Bay Motor Hotel, where Motions were passed to send membership dues | she was presented with wedding gifts on behalf for the Lake Superior Travel Council and the of the office girls of Kimberly-Clark Pulp and Canadian Chamber of Commerce. Paper Company Limited. A presentation on the development of tourist attractions in Terrace Bay was read and discussed with the following motions approved: "That the Terrace Bay Chamber of Commerce make hostesses Mrs. J. Heenan and Mrs. P. Gombola representation to the Ontario Hydro that a entertained in the latter's home. : flow of no less than 150 cfs. be allowed to The guests assembled before the surprised pass the Main Dam of Aguasabon Generating bride arrived and was escorted to a chair Station for the purpose of beautification and decorated with rosettes and streamers. A maintenance of a tourist attraction on the Corsage of white carnations was pinned on her Aguasonbon River"and "That the Terrace Bay a before she opened the many beautiful Chamber of Commerce make representation to the ay : ae 3 Ontario Department of Highways for establish- Phen fe for. millinery Se ment of a paved scenic lookout on that portion and 2 oes and ae Se assisted in of land adjacent to the body of water known as serving a delicious lunch by Miss Jane Heenan, Terrace Bay and south of Highway No. 17." Miss Marcia Jeanneret and Miss Darlene Gombola Mr. S. Hodgkiss answered a question on zs whether a Fish Hatchery could be established in the Terrace Bay area. He gave his personal COS TAS Phone 4613 Simese Maza TERRACE BAY, Ont. |\ SPECIALS = NABOB Regular Grind ir tes ae? i" 29 SALADA TEA BAGS 100% © pho... 79% Mrs. Jeanneret was also honored at a Bridal Shower on Sunday evening when co- Tourists -- people who travel thousands of miles to get a picture of themselves standing by the car. Trv TOTAL PERFORMANCE from Ford! YOUR FORD AND VOLKSWAGON DEALER - PRODUCTS MOTORS PHONE 825-3882 Mill Road & Hwy. 17