_Decomber 20,'1962. TERRACE BAY NEWS = Page 7_ SCHREIBER HERE AND THERE © | December 10th in the Town Hall, : 4n open reception'was held in the. home of Councillor Guina stated he had received Mrs, Bill Kushnieryk, in honor of Miss Edith numerous*coimplaints: regarding the basement | Lawson, bride-elect of this month, being smoky as a result of the fans not operat Receiving with Miss Lawson were her Mother | ing properly, also that. he had advised the Mrs, E, Lawson and Mrs, Kushnieryk, -- - artificial Ice Committee in regard to Town Pouring tea were: Mesdames H, Costall, M. all 'rentals, and that-he had-spoken to the Strom, Rs Grayvand Ry Nesbitt.) 00 out | 3 Mrs, A, Potvine was dining room hostess, Servitors were; Mrrg, R, Nesbitt ard Mrs, 7, Pelto, Miss Margaret Roen attended the ift, room, : a get Reg -+caretakér about ice removal»and coal supply forthe Town Hall, . Clerk Skinner informed Council 'that a busin ess establishment had not paid for water installation, and he was, instructed to write --_ = ----------; saying this must be. paid or water service will | RUBY _REBEKAH HOLDS €HRISTAMS PARTY be discontinued, Mrs, Jean Plummer, V.G. and Mrs, Orral | Water arrears in the amount of $669.00. was Wight, N.C. presided for the regular meeting | reported "and-persons 'in arrears will be of Ruby Rebekah lodge, . - {notified that these accounts must be paid by Routine business was conducted, Sick and | December 20th, or the water will be shut off. Visiting reports were given and accounts § 2)": / The 'correspondence included.letters from ordered paid, ; One) new member was admitted by lthe Salvation Army expressing appreciation for transfer, ~ "{a donation; Dr, J.M. Cornell M.0,H. advising Installation of three officers took place |Council-that the license for a local garage, by the P.D.D.P,. Mrs, M, Slater, assisted by .|with adjoining lunch bar, should not be renewed Mrs, A, Lorie, Marshall, Mre..M, Smith - 'unless adequate cesspccl improvements are made Chaplain, and Mrs, D, Weaver - Financial Sec. | before Dec, 31st; Children's Aid Society with Those installed were: Mrs, H, Wallace - jenclosed statement of units cost; Port Arthur I | financial secretary, Mrs, M. Legault = R.S,N.G/ Indian - Affairs concerning a:request.for aid Mrs, M, Husband - Inner guardian, iby a citizen and the clerk was instructed to It was decided to hold the new officers ©*,48end 'the desired informations Linkon' Co, wrote | tea in January, with Mrs, R, Macadam as {requesting a vote on the liquor question, also convenor, regarding the assessment on the Hotel lot and | Folowing the meeting a party was held in business tax reduction on the Mayfair Theatre | the lower hall-where Santa Claus visited and' an the Mental Health Association requesting distributed gifts, Names were exchanged for | consideration when the 1963 bniget is prepared, unknown friends, A discussion was held on the matter of _ Lunch was served by Mrs, E, Johnson and her| installing' gas tanks for supplying the Town committee, -0,...| trucks but no decision was reached, Se 20,281 464500 General accounts in the amount of $3,274.23 | Reeve W.E, DfAroy presided for the regular | instructed to write Mr, J.H. Dawson C.A.5., i Port: Arthur | COUNCIL QUOTES ' 'were passed for payment,' Mr, Skinner was } | meeting of the Mun cipal Council held Monday, (Continued on Page 9) arr anne intent, aie lapel etree aimee ae fe a in i oa sanenen =n ce ne ht ee ot ens 'THE CHRISTMAS STORY COLORING SUPPLEMENT 9, "And. they saw the young child with: Mary, 'his: . ' Wn. «He took the young child and his mother by mother, and fell dowH and worskipped hii . ight and d ted into Egypt..." accord! and they presented unto him gifts ..."" aceord- Se eee -- ------ j ' | | | 504 WIN-DEC'S3 Form 19 | i | ' | tag fo 3#, Matthew, iv to. St. Matifew. ' | 506" WIN-DEC'S3 Form 19 Re ee Te 5 eS ne or eee a eet le giten aS a AD leeee sl cbeniigs a= a thauinhnto=bcaipsing puis atin pee ee et en ae nen tne iene oe ey saa PN IT en