oe en to ne enone eeionentemitereer yeaa ete ea arp aden ee a et nla env eet tah imei nds «aap en oy cemegnen November 22, 1962 . TERRACE BAY NEWS PRECISION BRAKE.SERVICE CALLS FOR PRECISION SERVICE | i | EQUIPMENT. WITH OUR SPANKING NEW STAR SERVICE EQUIPMENT BEFORE 04 /#05TY -- | KNOCKS AT YOUR DOOR, WE CAN. GUARANTEE BRAKES THAT ARE EQUAL TO, OR BETTER oS YE 10 THINK OF | | | | | MOR THAN, BRAND NEW BRAKES, FOR SERVICE YOU CAN DEPEND oN, --= | "EATING O/L ONCE MORE BRING YOUR CAR TO OUR STAR BRAKE SERVICE CENTER, TODAY 3} . pe y) RENE. GAUDET'S "ISLAND _ VIEW. SERVICE STATION: CORNER OF HUDSON & HIGHWAY 17, TERRACE BAY - - ~ PHONE 5 + 3638 2 cc eN Ne, Ae rn Ny ata een << cit it ai nea' pian etter ann cn DELL el ate ie ait hi ll ot ances «2.2 gg ere. | rt ee ee te ee a oe tea ae aften ee cree a eR Aan St RR ee Nn A ee A ee a ae | MUNICIPAL NOMINATIONS NOTICE i Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the | By-Law No.133, a by-law for disqualifying fronl electors will be held in the Municipal Office| voting, electors who are in arrears for taxes,| on Monday, November 26th at 7:30 ofclock un- | provides as follows:- til 8:30 ofclock in the afternoon for the purpose of nominating persons for the offices! "No person whose name appears on the defaul- | { ter's list, provided for by Section 104 of the of Reeve and four Councillors for the year . Pe 1963 Municipal Act, shall be entitled to vote ata Municipal Election in respect of real proper= ty unless, at the time of tendering his meng | Every nomination shall be in writing and state the name, residence and occupation of the candidate, and the residence and occupa-= tion of the proposer and seconder and shall be signed by the proposer and seconder, both of whom shall be Municipal electors and pre- sent, and shall be filed with the Returning ning Officer, a certificate from the Treasure or the Collector, showing that the taxes in respect of which the default was made have -o-ernnamsmascensnipitiig--ilasigs ansdttlnneaisicna-dpealie~chgptienLpaien alsin: he produces and leaves with the Deputy sel since been paid," | | | | Officer within one hour from the opening of -- WF. Strutt, the nominating meeting, Clerk-Treasurer, The Corporation of his nemination paper is not valid unless there is evidencé,.satisfactory to the Re- --_-- turning Officer, that he consents to be so {CAMERA CLUB ' ioc : sie? | nominated Interesthas been shcwn in formation of a | ' : Camera Club, 'either in connection with the Art Candidates are required to file with the -4Group or as a separate activity, If interested Clerk a certificate of the Treasurer that contact either D,Large or the Recreation Office, there were, at the time of the opening of MEN'S BASKETBALL EVERY TUESDAY 8,15 to 10 Peli, | the nomination meeting, no unpaid taxes for cya ee re ee Bee | %* PENETRATING , j any preceding year against the land in res-- | pect of which he is qualifying, and no unpaid! taxes against him in respect of an assessment for business, or a statutory. declaration made to the same effect, | | | | | | Where a proposed candidate is not present The Township of Terracd Bay. | | | | | % CUTS PHLECM | % QUICK ACTING | TRIPLE ACTION _ MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS ee aa By Elections, if necessary, to fill any of the AN q| "y CO U So F 1 Sid RU! above positions for the year 1963, will take | THREE. STRENGTH SYRUP - FOR ADULTS * | place on Monday, December 3rd, 1962, between SHILDREN . the hours of 9 otfclock A.M. and 7 ofclock POR" CHTLDREN ¥ FOR BABY? ecco P.M. in the polling places designated, _W.F. Strutt Township Clerk and Returning Officer, The Corporation of the Township of Terrace Bay. paren ee sae eemmeriee- ogee i