Page 2 = THRRACK BAY NEWS ~-- July 26, 1962 a ' fon \ CTD "Visryese GOSPEL_ MISSION - Mr.Ron Sheffield | either phone or write to Mrs, Swain, |. reammarmenenen Se ee | ee ee een eee et ne TERRACE BAY ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE SCHREIBER COMMUNITY CHURCH = Rev. T.Garnet Husser ST. JOHN*S ANGLICAN CHURCH - Rev, R.J.S.Inshaw | 11,15 A.M. -- MORNING WORSHIP - ° M, -- Holy Communion Guest Preacher = Rev, R.Crook of Schreiber 10,00 A.M, - Family Service 11,00 A.M, .- Morning Service ST.MARTIN'*S CHURCH - Rev.Dean E,A,Gallagher 7,00 P.M, - Evensong SATURDAY ~ Confessions 3-4 P.M, and 7-8 P.M, SUNDAY MASSES - 8,15 A.M. - 10 A.M. and 4,45 |ST,ANDREW'S UNITED CHURCH - Rev, R,Crook P.M. During the week Masses are at 8.15 A.M. {10.00 A.M, - MORNING SERVICE - and on Saturdays at 9,00 A.M, HOLY ANGELS CHURCH - Rev. J,.M, Cano ST, MARTIN'S PARISH LIBRARY Daily Mass - 8.00 A.M. Open from 2 to 3 P.M, every Saturday Saturday Mass - 9,09 A.M. Saturday Confessions - 7.00 to 8.30 P.M. R.0 5.5 P.O RT SUNDAY MASSES - 8,00 ~ 9.30 and 11 A.M. i ST. JOHN BERCHMAN'S CHURCH EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH - Rev. M.F.Kaija Mass every. Monday evening at 7,00 P.M, 10.00 A.M, - Sunday School 7,00. P.M. - Evening Service - 2nd and 4th Sunday. Bible Study on Fridays following Sunday Service. GOSPEL MISSION Q Sunday Shool at 2 P.M, every Sunday i mies S ( _ {Sunday - 11.00 A.M, - Family Bible Hour \\ wD 7,00 P.M. - Gospel Service 4 /j. ~~" S| Wednesday - 7,00 P.M, - Prayer Meeting aa ree SOT OY eee at soca a. Ee ean LOCAL LEADERS ATTEND COURSE AT QUETICO Artists and teachers in community re- creation and night school art and crafts programs spent a week learning leadership skills, teaching techniques and the skill of their specific art or craft, This fall they will use their new leadership and subject | skills to improve the community program, All participants studied leadership and teaching methods for half of the time they attended the course. The balance of the time was spent in upgrading skills in the art or craft which they will teach back home, In the art section Jack Pollock, one of Canada*s most promising young artists and operator of the Pollock Art Gallery in Toronto, introduced a number of new art tech- niques, For the first time in Northwestern Ontario figure work with a live model was done, Monoprinting, a process where a painting is done on glass and then transferred onto paper, was introduced, The value of collage as an art technique was explained, INVITATION TO LADY GOLFERS } The Peninsula Ladies' Golf Club of Mara- | thon extends a cordial invitation to lady golfers in this district to attend their 1962 Open Tournament on Sunday, August 26th, the day following their Men*s Open. Eighteen holes will be played and the starting time has been set at 10 A.M,, Day- Light Saving Time, Entry fee is $2 and re- freshments will be served in the afternoon, August 18th has been set as the deadline for entries so names and handicaps of those planning to participate should' be forwarded to the Secretary, Mrs, J.,Swain, by that date. Anyone who wishes Hotel or Motel reserva- tions made for the weekend are asked to re ene wee - eee en ee ee: ae mmemrenenine. PLAYGROUND CIRCUS DAY Special event at Summer Playground this Friday is*"Circus Day, Schedule for the special event is, as usual, 9 A.M, to 12 Noon 4 5 "I gave these people in one week what I for ALL AGES, Children wiil make costumes, = j; ' 4 novelties, étc., duri the week in prepara- | would normally spend six months teaching, tion For Widayes Sverre ' was Mr, Pollock's enthusiastic comment when a : asked about the calibre of painting. "I have never worked with as experienced pain- ters, other than professionals, nor people with as fresh and enthusiastic an approach," In the ceramics class Miss Tess Kidick, a professional potter from Jordan, Ontario was able to take the ceramics class through a whole winter's program, She used local clays so that the problem of getting ma- terials would not be a limiting factor at the community level, MINOR BASEBALL ALLSTARS Allstar practices for the Minor Baseball Allstar teams, to play against outside com- petition, are being held as follows:+ National League (10-12 years) - Mon., Wed., and Friday at. 4330, © Bantam League (13 - 16 years) - Mon.,, Wed., and Friday at 6330. ANY BOYS IN THESE AGE GROUPS ARE ELIGIBLE TO TRY OUT. <itssinntnsnaelatiletemieeiianin tac sigan shitting tater snes toe lsat laa nitaitidadh si saliiatitacaasaricncta Yai tapi: ainda aie tata iiltanpaaiaisatonatar site oa igh Epes die io psc pth te ee Ee ect "Aside from the opportunity for artistic expression which pottery provides, it could | also become an important economic activity," : : ; Miss Kidick advised her students, "You have Fastball loop have met with failure, mainly | materials for clays and underglazes right in due to the fact that only a handful have our own back yard, All you need to do is bothered to register and a total of three venar skilled people and you would have a persons attended three organizational meet souvenir industry that would be better than ings, This type of response does not indi- almost anything you could hope to find? cate much interest on the part of the players Leadership instructors. from Community Pro- so that the matter will be dropped until grammes Branch were Miss M.E. Muss, crafts greater interest 'Is shown, | adviser, Toronto; (Continued on Page 7) ee rere tne ona rae HOUSE LEAGUE FASTBALL Repeated attempts to form a House League i an a et ert ene mee ene se sa