- March 8, 1962 -- TERRACE BAY NEWS -- : 'Page 11 TA-5-3327 @ !ABLE CLOTHS ey j 930 pm | | HOSIERY FREB GIVEN AWAY TO (BALLOONS SHEETS "PILLOW SLIPS TOWELS Se ee THE FIRST FoR' THE 100 LADIES} KPDDI FEATURING The very newest designs in the latest in car coats/~ ¢g adies dresses - STOCKS ARE COMPLETE, Our complete stock has not yet arrivedbyt you are cordially invited to drop in, browse around and tell us what ¥OU would like to see on our shelves, is me bar mG 3 ES Fj ss E Linens - Sey ae Bedding -| : towels - | many boxed gift items Biatone Pigg I Anford's Limited "°° SIMCOE PLAZA TERRACE. BAY, ONT. | }