February 15, 1962 TERRACE BAY NEWS Box 579, Terrace Bay, Ontario. Published weekly each Thursday, Circulation, Terrace Bay, Schreiber and District, Deadline for advertisements is Noon each Monday, other items Tuesday Noon, Office Phone 3747, Authorized as second class mail by the Post Office Department, Ottawa, for payment of postage in cash, ne ee a ee, Classified ads - Minimum charge 50¢ - (20 words and under) - Cards of Thanks - Minimum charge $1 (30 words and under), | , FOR ELECTROLUX CLEANERS, POLISHERS, PARTS & | SERVICE, contact EMIL SEPPALA, dealer, 325 | Argyle St., Pt, Arthur, Ont, PHONE DI 4+1175, } rs | SEWENS MACHINES - any make, tensions set, | Cleaned, checked and oiled ~ $3.00, Old | treadles converted to Electric Portables | with brand new electric motor, light, foot control and carrying case - all for $25.00, | Call Schreiber 356, Jim Savage. { iE NOTE OF THANKS = To the people of Terrace | Bay and surrounding district - for. the many: | congratulations received on past accomplish- (ments and good wishes for future endeavours }to my rink of the Terrace Bay Ladies Curling Club. All curlers realize this is a real team effort and each one deserves equal credit 'So, on behalf of Marge Hamilton, Syl Duquette, 'and Anne Latour, I thank you sincerely. (signed) Peg Wellings 'CARD OF THANKS - We wish to express our |Sincere thanks to all our friends, neighbors, ,and relations, and all who helped in any way ;during our recent sad bereavement in the loss 'of our beloved mother and grandmother, the 'late Mrs, Nita Ross, We especially wish to j thank the Rev, Roy Wilson, Rev, R.A. Crook, 'Jenkins Funeral Home, Gawley Funeral Home , Dr, J. Machan, Westmount Hospital Nurses, Mrs. 'Eva Bailey, Mrs. Doris Bicknell, Mrs. C, Pearson, the pall bearers, all those who (sent floral tributes, messages of condolence, |loaned cars and helped in any other way. ,Your kindness will always be remembered, (sgd) Mr. & Mrs, Neil Ross and family Sar nTERerrereeseereee na IN MEMORIAM » WILLIAMS - In loving memory of our dear daughter, Jo-Anne Williams, who passed away in Terrace Bay, February 13, 1951, You left behind some aching hearts, That loved you most sincere; That never shall and never will, Forget you "Jo-Anne, dear, a a arm at en mn ay ern : Ever remembered by her loving Mommy and Daddy. ie enahigverntinapennnitannsnneeteedinatieg tte ee ee '7OR_RENT ~ a new five-room apartment on the 'first floor, Heating included. Phone Schrei- per 313, ; CARD OF THANKS --- I wish to thank the staff ; of the Terrace Bay Hospital for their many ; kindnesses to me during my recent illness and a special thanks, too, to all the good friends, neighbours and acquaintances for their good wishes and acts of kindness and generosity to my family and myself, We are . indeed grateful? (sgd) Helen Stokes TERRACE BAY NEWS Page 3 Jor dry, itchy skin -- try Alpha--Keri FOR BATH AND SHOWER ~ ALSO FOR INFANT BATH Water --- dispersible antipruritic Oil Letter to the Editor Dear Editor: I would like to express my views, as a taxpayer, on the subject of the proposed District High School for Schreiber and Terrace Bay, : I have neither heard, nor read too much about it, but from what I have leamed, it - seems to be an excellent idea. I fail to see why there should be any opposition to the school, as it would certain- ly benefit both towns, and from the tax- payer's view, it would be to Schreiber's advantage definitely, as there would be a lower increase in taxes, as opposed to Schreiber paying all the cost of their own school, My children are much too young to worry | ab out High School, or any school, as yet; | but if the district school comes into being, I will know that all the facilities are there | waiting for them, a mere eight miles away. Think of the savings if we all won't have to send our children away to Business Gollege or Technical School, miles, and possibly days away from home, : Outside of some kind of rivalry that seems to exist between our two towns, (which no one will admit has anything to do with the school) I can see no reasonable opposition to its being built, and soon, 1 These are just my views, and I thank you | for taking the time to read my letter, Yours truly, A. future-minded Mother, j ' i Ed. Note - The questions are still being asked! and the murmuring continues, One of the latest indicates an uneasiness on the part of some Schreiber citizens who point out that there is no assurance that Terrace Bay is permanent, Our questions have elicited the information that "there is no likelihood that | the investment represented in the Town and the; Plant will be allowed to deteriorate and also that, in the remote eventuality that such should ever come to pass the one hundred and twenty Schreiber citizens who are gainfully employed in Terrace Bay represent a large Part of their Town's cconony, { ali sewing. shone TA 5-3262,