ern ete te eee ee eee een te a ; to charity by the employees. 'December 7, 1961 IN SUPPORT OF KC-ECF "Kimberly-Clark Emplo: 'ees? Charity Fund has been,._ I believe, an admirable job in the two years of its 2xist- ence, It does for its renbers what United Appeal or C mmunity Chest organizations do in large centres. It enables. «ach of us to contribute equit ibly to the charities which we'd like to support, to the ex sent that our conscience and brdget will allow, I would like to congratulat KC-ECF on the fine york that it has done, and to r+.comnend membership in it t») any who are not now benefitti? g from its services." R.G, Shirriff, Mill Ma ager, Kimberly=Clark Pulp & Paper Co. Rene "I am happy to have this opportunity of endorsing the practice of collective giving as set up under our local Kimberly-Clark Employees! Charity Fund organization and I would urge anyone who has not yet joined the KC-ECF to do so now during their membership drive. I feel that their programme ensures a fair distribution of the monies that are donated There are many staller charities which well 'deserve our support, but which otherwise hlay be left out merely on the grounds that they are unwilling or unable to-allocate campaign funds to advertise their own need. Unler the KC-ECF program each requést for aid receives earnest consideration and support according to the need and the financial standing of the Fund, I would again urge everyone to get behind ' this effort of the KC-ECF to increase our ability to aid'those who are less fortunate _ than ourselves," Bob Harris, Fresident, Local 1861, International Brdthéehidod Electrical Workers Union, "On behalf of the Coard of Directors of Kimberly-Clark Employees! Charity Fund, I would like to thank the members who have made it possible for our organization to distribute nearly $11,000, to charitable 'organizations during the past two years, We feel certain that this money is being wisely spent and that through its use we are hel ping a little to make the world a 'better place in which to live. We hope to be able to do even more next year. In order to increase our dogations to charity we must increase our tiembership. Toward this end letters are going out to. all: Kimberly-Clark employees who are not members asking them to indicate their degree of interest in KC-ECF by completing the attached form and handing it to one of the Directors.. This is, we feel, the best way to ensure that all have the opportunity of joining KC-ECF, We would also ask that present members look critically at the amount of their TERRACE BAY NEWS is Sane BEST BUY! IY MAKES SUCH AMESS OF THAT gg rs Pa ROSE SERVICE -STATION wy 17 & Hudson Dr, | TERRACE BAY --- PHONE 5=3638 Ltd. Page 11 donation and if they feel that | an 'increase is in order to contact anyone of the "directorse W.T. Baillie, Chairman, KIMBERLY-CLARK' EMPLOYEES! CHARITY FUND (TERRACE BAY) © « Financial Statement for 1961 Receipts Entployee Contributions $5336, 5 "Kimberly-Clark Pulp and. os Paper Co,Contributions 300.0 $5636.50 Gaudetts Disbursements » The Rehabilitation Foundation for Foliomyelitis andthe Orthopaedically disabled - March, of Dimes 400,00 .Canadian Heart Fund. -650,00 Canadian Red Cross 650,00 Canadian Cancer. Society 650.00 Canadian Mental Health Ass'n 300,00 Salvation Arny ... 500.00 Canadian Nat. Inst. for the Blind. 400.00 Thunder. Bay. Association for Retarded Children 400.00 Canadian Arthritis, and Rheumatism. Society , 300,00 Muscular Dystrophy Association 300,00 CARE of Canada 200,00 Children's Aid Society ee tiaaas pr) 286.50 St. Joseph's Manor, Fort, Arthur 200.00 Ont, Homes. for Mentally Retarded | Infants 100, 00 Multiple Sclerosis; Society 150,00 | St. John Ambiance _150.00 $5,636.50 <imbe¥L OTE Pip and Paper Company donated an additional 9450. 00 to specific charities. ARE YOU BABY SITTING THIS CHRISTMAS? The ' fire chief says it's your duty to know where the exits are and where'the teleplione is. | 'Also, owrite down the fire department's phone number 'and 'phone number and address of: the place where the parents are going. Keep Christmas safe"for kids......FIRESAFE] ehh BE LOVELIER Wit EXPERT Bg Ong wy Sid FOR A GLAMOROUS HOLIDAY HATRDO © CALL RS os : " 4 qr= 2a bod AW. a DEBBIE LYNN: SIMCOE PUAZA Bh RO GE BAY PHONE 3631) To 3-4 -- ~<a cancer estes eterno