December 7, 1961 CHAMBER SPONSORS (Cont'd fr, 1) He mentioned the steadily in- creasing population with the resultant expansion in educa~ tional costs. He said that "figures prove we have had gdod government and» that the .money: has been well spent. The total budget amounted. to, $375,000. Provincial grants received. aliounted to $78,000., mostly towards educations $223,000. of the budget was spent on the schools, $105,000, went "on water aridbisewer debentures, police and fire protection, recreati on, garbage collection and municipal office. The balance, approximately $50,000, was used on roads, maintenance, etc, He indicated there. would unfortunately by an increase in hydro 'rates next year. In closing he mentioned that the Town owes Mr, Ferrier a real debt of gratitude. Before calling the candidates, Mig! Paget stated that each would be given five minutes in which to present his"views, Appearing in alphabetical order were W. Baillie, Murdo Campbell, W. Cavanaugh, D. Evans-Smith, A. Fraser, A. Valiquette and J. Wellings. With the exception of Mr, Evans-Smith all were newcomers to the Municipal arena. The question and answer period which followed started off with a query on the possibility of fluoridation in Terrace Bay.: J, Heenan, "in replying, Said that the matter TOWN HALL SCHREIBE "DECEMBER 5:15PM all TURK TIME -- i j i { { i 1 { | | } i N 20 GAMES TERRACE! BAY NEWS ¢ 4 ke Na oN gore es COMMUNITY °T. Ve Terrace Bay, Ontario PHONE TA 5-3305 ~~ NEW BUSINESS ESTABLISHED IN SCHREIDER ROYAL CANADIAN -EGION. "BRANCH TO HOLD "MONSTER TURKEY 8 a) CHICKENS. Good. NEIGHBOR SI 686, Page 9 had been discussed by Sowncil and in the press but that little interest had been shown by residents. A more lively discussion arose when H.F, Ratchford asked candidates to _ give their views on what steps could be taken to discourage multiplicity, of one, type, of business and encourage new types to establish in the Town, After. each candidate and some of those present. had expressed their views, Mr. Paget thanked everyone who attended. He stated that it had been a worth while and interesting meeting and thanked everyone for the questions from the floor and the candidates for expressing their opinions. es - SERVICES ee Saturday, Dec. 9th marks the official opening of Mary's Flower Shop in Schreiber, Prepared to fill the growing needs of the Community, .the business will carry a line of fresh cut) flowers, potted plants,' ceramic and paper » mache containers and) Mrs, Mary Martensen, formerly employed at one of the Lakehead's-leading florists, is an expert in designing wedding florals and in making -- | funeral arrangelients, Located in the old Nesbitt Grocery. on Scotia: Street opposite the Post Office, Mrs, » Martenseni features: also table centre arrange- 1 ments: (with stems: impersed in inh a nha 2 A0.G) © (6) TH. PRIZES