Page 4 Se \ | TURKEY PLATE LUNCH CABBAGE ROLLS BAR-B-Q, BURGERS: 7 CORN-ON-COB 'HOT Doss PIES - DONUTS | WATERMELON POP ICE CREAM se CONFECTIONERY SPONSORED BY C.W.L., C.Y.0., C.G.C., HERE & THERE IN SCHREIBER The St.John Ambulance Brigade are avail- able at all times for public duty (at pic- nics etc.), Call Constable W. Cringle, Division Superintendent, or W. Olson, RESULTS, ST.JOHN AMBULANCE, SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS The following is a list of the Senior High School Girls who successfully passed the tests:- Marlene Birch, Barbara Foster, Donna Lee Johnson, Doris McParland, Marilyn Pearson,' Kathleen Roen, Margaret Roen, Joen Ruddick. Certificates will be presented to the successful candidates in the early Fall. BELL TELEPHONE CHANGES On page three of this issue Mr.J, Scott, District Managerof the Bell Telephone Co., announced a change in policy regarding the payment of accounts, This has been done with a view to giving more efficient service. In the past opera- tors were required to give their attention to those who called at the Office. The time thus spent will now be devoted to trans- mitting calls, It is expected that a dial ae ae be installed in Schreiber within two years. BENDARD-BRTSCO WEDDING (Gonttd from P, 2) Misses Pat Romaniux, Norma Schock and Phyllis Brown. Mrs.R.G,.Hughes, uncle of the Bride, proposed the tcast to the bride, and Master James Beddard circulated the guest book. Dancing in the Moose Hall followed the buffct supper. Prior to taking up residence in New Lis- keard, the couple left for a wedding trip to the Take of the Weods, Wimzineg and points west, the bride tre Veliiag in a sheat?: dress of cameo pink Honan Ainell. Her accessories were in white. Prior to her marriage the bride was en-= tertained by the staff of Franklin Strect © Public School at Club 17 in Fort William, when a presentation was made, A Miscellan- eous Shower was held by Miss Phyllis Brown TERRACE BAY NEWS WOR SHORE GALA paCNgeT SUNDAY, JULY 232d - Hassport azk (MeLEAN'S CREEK? & BUILDING COMMITTEE OF SCHREIBER 'in the empioy of Kimberly-Clark Company, '(Chinese aphorism) © July 20, 1961 -- /:00 PI he ees enw ener eer pearance nena ea enn RAISERS TA AED LL RIOR canes at re re eermenceerenen FEY ies in Port arthur and Mrs, J,D.Kelty of Terrace Bay was hostess at a Linen Shower, A party was held by the Grave V pupils of Franklin Street School and gifts presented. Friday evening a Rehearsal Party was held at the home of the bride's parents, 551 Lakeview Drive. Out of town guests attending were: Mr.& Mrs.James Beddard Sr., of LacLu, Ontario, Mr.& Mrs.R.G.Hughes, Mr.& Mrs. R.J. Hughes and Mrs, Sheila Keenie of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Mrs.Alice Briscoe of North Bay, Mr.& Mrs. Richard Briscoe: of Elliot Lake, Miss Phyllis Brown and Mr,James Massey of Kenora, Miss Nelda Stephanson and Mr. W.Kraft of Port Arthur, Mr.& Mrs. W.Kirby and Mr.& Mrs. J. Anderson of Red Rock, Ontario. re DROWNING VICTIM?S BODY (Continued from Pg. 1) 2836 i Ridgeway Avenue, Fort William had been Woodlands Division for ten years. Prior to his death he had served as cook at Camp B, Surviving are his wife Mary, a son and an infant ceuyhter, ne learning process: If I hear it I forget, If I sce it I remember, If I do it I know. ~ lime is Money a. Save both at. Bi 1 like Seting ay the Bank or Monrrear : Canadas Frat Sauk Schreiber Branch - Alan Cuthbertson, Mgr, WORKING WIA CANADIANS IN) EVERY V/ALK OF CRE SINCE 1517