Page 2 - TERRACE BAY NEWS July 6, 1961 TERRACE BAY COMMUNITY CHURCH - Rev. J.Raymond Anderson July 9, 1961 A.M. - DIVINE SERVICE - WWwhat Jesus taught about God' 5 ; i t t '10,00 'ST,MARTIN'S CHURCH - Rev. Dean E,A,.Gallagher ' SATURDAY - Confessions 3-4 P.M, and 7-8 P.M. 'Mass during the weck at 7.45 and on Saturday j at 9300 A.M, ' ST,MARTIN'S PARISH LIBRARY | Open from 2 to 3 P.M, every Saturday It iR OSs. .P ORT 'Mass every Tuesday at 7:00 P.M, f 'GOSPEL MISSION (Sunday School at 2 P.M. every Sunday 'TERRACE BAY HIGH SCHOOL PROMOTION RESULTS | During the 1960-61 school year 83% of the istudents were promoted to the next grade, This 'is slightly higher than the 80% suggested by 'che Department of Education. ; Proficiency Award Winners with the second -and third ranking students in each grade were: 'GRADE 9 + 1, Dianne Paulsen, 92.5% i 2. Donald Colborne ' 3. Janis Gross--- Bruce Rapke (Tie) 10 --1. Robert Legault, 87.0% GRADE : 2. Maureen Hall i 3. Jane Heenan (GRADE 11 - 1, Margaret Shirriff, 85.1% Arthur Trudeau ' Betty Rowson William Colborne,. 91.4% Maryellen Reynolds Darlene Gombola . 3. GOLF TOURNAMENT _ The Marathon Open Golf Tournament will be 'held on August 19th, 1961 - details as follows: '27 holes - Medal Play, three events:- Pro Event - Amateur Event (no handicap) and 'Amateur Event (Handicap.) Entrants must state event they wish to enter and the field will be limited to the 'first sixty-four entries received, Entries 'should be addressed to W. Kowalchuk, Tourna- ment Chairman, Marathon, There will be excel- 'lent prizes for all events and a social evening 'will be held on Saturday night. | The Ladies Open Tournament will be held on 'Sunday, August 20th. 'MARATHON OPEN _ ART CLUB MEMBERS OFF TO SUMMER SCHOOLS i Mrs. Mary Middaugh of the local Art Club -has left to attend Doon Art School in the |East. Miss Cathy Smith will take a course - at the College of Art in Toronto and Mrs~ S. 'Gaulin, Mrs. G,Boyd and Miss Paulette Boudreau 'left Wednesday to attend the Quetico Summer , Course, Congratulations are extended to Myrna 'Crandlemire and Dick Rowson who successfully / passed their final exasinations at Lakehead ' Teachers College. eee es ee man corm am poem poem ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE Nowy _TesiCs wy «actly, 1 SCHREIBER ST. JOHN*S ANGLICAN CHURCH - Rev, R.J.S,.Inshaw Tat 8,30 A.M. ~ Holy Communion 9.30 A.M. --- Family Service 11.00 A.M, - Morning Service 7,00 P.M. - Evensong 11.00 A.M. -- MORNING SERVICE - During the months of July and August there will be no Sunday School or Bible Study HOLY ANGELS CHURCH - Rev. J.M.Cano Daily Mass - 8.00 A.M. Saturday Mass - 9,00 A.M. Saturday Confessions - 11 to 12 &7- 8.30 P.M, Sunday Masses - 8 - 9.30 and 11 A.M. Masses will be celebrated in the GUILD HALL during construction of the new Church, { | | UNITED CHURCH - Rev. R.Crook | \ f v EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH - Rev. Davis | 10,00 A.M. - Sunday School | | GOSPEL MISSION Sunday - 11.00 A.M. - Family Bible Hour 7,00 P.M. ~ Gospel Service BROWNIE FLY UP HELD The sumer Fly Up of Brownies to Guides was held in the High School Auditorium on June 24th. j | Mrs. Lois Downey, Guide Captain called the Guide Company to form their Horseshoe for the salute to the colorse Brown Owl Mrs. Barbara Peterkin awakened all the little Brownies in | their Fairy ring, The Three Terrace Bay i Brownie Packs combined as they took turns in i sixes to dance around the Toadstool to sing their Fairies, Sprites, Kelpies, Leprechauns, | Elves, Imps, Pixies, Gnomes and Little People | SONgSe | The Brownies Flying Up to Guides proceeded through an arch formed by the sixers and seconders of the Brownie Packs to be welcomed by the District Commissioner, Mrs. D. Earle and receive their wings. These Brownies weret Diane Campbell, Claire Belliveau, Delcine | Malcolm, Betty Yates, Cathy Jo Cotton, . 1 Margaret Jean Wallwin, Ruth Soughton, Brenda | Trudeau, Valerie Turner, Sandra Synishin and | Jane Colborne, Passing through the bower | the Brownies were challenged by the sixers in the Guide Company before being presented to ; i Captain Mrs. Lois Downey and Lieutenant Mrs. Pat Lindberg, then accepted into the Gompany. Mrs. Earle presented the badges earned by the Guides as follows: Beverley Dodge - Hostess and Skaters Badges, Beverley Phillips Hostess and Homemakers Badges, Pat Downey - Home Nurse and Skaters Badges and Karen Moore received her Home Nurse badgee The i Color Party marched off and the company broke | up to join with the Brownies in a Campfire { and the usual singsong before Taps was sung. Hot dogs and pop were enjoyed by the Guides and Brownies before the evening concluded. Accompanying Mrs. Earle from Marathon for the ceremony was Mrs. June Gardiner, Captain | of the First Marathon Guide Companys | | ) ROLLER SKATING TWICE WEEKLY Through the months of July and August, Roller Skating will be held twice weekly. 7-10 P.M» 8-10 PoMe ,out.and enjoy ité iain Thursdays - Sundays ~ It's fun for the Speen ns et nem OS RN TO AE maa