ow Soe eae ee ee a we ee a et oe naan re em TIGA BAY NEw Jue 22, LYoL COUNCIL QUOTES (Cont'd from Page 8) 'Townsite $29,701.39, Rec. Assoc. - $4,915.62. It was moved and passed that $10,000, be borrowed from the Imperial Bank. Bylaw No, 139, to prohibit the hunting, shooting and molesting of animals within a radius of 2 miles of the Post Office in Terrace Bay was passed. Penalties are out- lined for infractioris of the Act. Bylaw 140 to permit the raising of 1961 tax rate was also adopted. Councillor Evans-Smith discussed purchase of a resuscitator. Vacation time for the police chief and weekend relief in the Fire Department were also discussed, ART CLUB SHOW & TEA ON SATURDAY (from pg. 7) that there is a $50,00 scholarship, put up by the North Western Ontario Art Association, for a promising artist, Requirements neces- sary to compete are as follows: There must be 5 entries in the medium they work in accompany their entry forms, also recommenda- tions by instructors, teachers, guardians, or other persons, SCHREIBER TOWN COUNCIL QUOTES The Schreiber Town Council held their regular monthly meeting on Monday, June 12, with W, D*tArcy, Town Reeve, presiding. Members present were F, Harness, FP, Guina and I, McCuaig, Clerk Treasurer R.C, Skinner, and five citizens, Routine business was dealt with, The Council gave conditional approval to Sunday movies and will consult: with the clergy to discuss times or other regulations, Following the return of Dr. Gornell from his vacation, notices will be posted advising food handlers to have Tuber- culosis tests. Cards will be supplied which will be kept by the employers. "Tests must be renewed each year, Councillor requested that accounts sent out for use of ambulance be presented at each meeting. Children's Aid Society was granted use of office for summer months, Letter was read from C.P,R, with regia to grading of subway hill, Council agreed with plans for road to be made wider and deepened. Council will meet with High School Board to discuss the acquiring of property for - new High School, The Dawson Court Home for the Aged in Port Arthur sent approval for the entry of Dist- rict residents with the building of the new wing. Schreiber Council considered the | Restave of ae ten beds. GONGR ON THE GRAND, TURNER R.R. 2 PORT» ARTHUR while you are away. The Welcome sign proposed by the Chamber of Commerce, listing hotels, grocery stores and dry goods stores was in favour with the Council, No open bonfires are to be permitted within the town limits, In future anyone having bonfires will be prosecuted. Hacquoil Construction Co, were requested to put a fence around their gravel pit north of the town. A request was made by a home owner on Hillview St. for water service. Water ren- ovations are to be made throughout the town, The Library Board's report on renovation plans was tabled. Miss Sharon Macadam, daughter of Postmaste and Mrs. R,C. Macadam was chosen by the Supt. of Nurses of St, Joseph's Hospital in Port Arthur as representative on a recent TV pro~ gramme which discussed "Careers for Women", Those who saw the programme (in the afternoon) remarked on Sharon's poise, unhesitating answers and trim appearance during the inter- view. Miss Mary Ann Palmer and Dave Palmer of Rosalea, Sask, motored to Schreiber last = week to visit with their brother Gordon | Palmer. ATTENTION ART CLUB MEMBERS The Art Club will meet Thursday night at the Recreation Centre to arrange for after- noon painting sessions during the summer and to purchase supplies for summer needs. FIRE DEPARTMENT NEWS ttA Clean Home Seldom Burns* Before anyone leaves for holidays they should check to make sure they have left no oily or wax rags in their cupboards. . This type of rag could cause a fire and with no one in the house to detect the smell of smoke it could be well developed before anyone could give an alarm. Papers etc. should also be put out in the garbage before you leave on holidays and anything else in the house that might be 'considered a fire hazard. It is also a good idea to ask someone to have a look in your house from time to time It is better to be safe than sorry. Unplug your radios,and TV sets. Also, don't get careless, just because you are on holidays. Be careful while using fires on picnics etc, Remember also to obey water safety rules when boating. In this way everyone 'will have a better, safer and accid- : Cnt. Tred HNOLLG ATULATIONS: eee GAUDET OPENING OF -- E ISLANDVIEW. SERVICE FROM -- PAVING PHONE. .DI5-1135